How to migrate WordPress Sites without Losing SEO

KLCWEB knows Migration is a headache process especially when we migrate WordPress. Also, We worry about losing SEO ranking after migration, Right? Now, you can fear free to migrate your WordPress without losing SEO and blogging posts because we have study WordPress migration with WordPress Experts and introduce WordPress migration in an easy way.

Export Content From Old WordPress Site

NOTE:: Before start migration make sure you will take a backup of your site, if anything goes wrong you can immediately restore your site.

You need to log in to your WordPress admin panel,, and go to tools > export > All content and click on the download Export file button of your old website which you want to migrate to the new site.

Do Not Forgot to replace your domain instead of

Make sure you will choose the All content option while exporting content from your old site. Once you have done this the WordPress will start preparing an XML file of your All WordPress contents and will start downloading automatically.

Upload Content to a New WordPress Site

As soon as get an XML file of your old site, you need to import that XML to a new WordPress site by login > tools > import. Here you need to install the WordPress importer plugin to import the XML file of old WordPress.

WordPress Importer

After installing WordPress importer tools, you are able to upload XML file by clicking on the run importer link button and it will ask for upload WordPress XML file, choose that an XML file and click on the Upload file, and import

File upload

In the Next step, WordPress will start uploading an XML file and extract it in the meanwhile it asks for a WordPress author for posts, Either you can mention an old author, or you can create a new one and click on the next button to complete WordPress migration.

After getting all the required details WordPress will upload content and it takes few minutes to complete a task. And you will get an All Done message.

All Done

Setting up Redirects

After successfully migrating content from one WordPress site to another WordPress site, the next step is to set redirection so users can visit the old site and it will be automatically redirected to the new WordPress site.

You can set redirecting inside .htaccess file of old WordPress site by using the this sample code.

#Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Remember to replace with your domain name and save the file and restart your site. Now you are able to see all posts on a new WordPress site without facing any issues.

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Free WooCommerce extensions and plugins…

As we all know that Woocommerce is the most popular and the best for E-commerce websites. but it is not sufficient to boost your E-Commerce site. Woocommerce makes an easy way to create an E-commerce website. You need to use such extensions or plugins to power up your E-Commerce site.

If you have a WordPress site and want to intergrade WooCommerce you can take a tour here…..

Here’s we are introducing free WooCommerce hosting and free Extensions and plugins you should use to make your site stronger.

  1. HubSpot
  2. WooCommerce Customizer.
  3. PDF Invoices & Packing Slips.
  4. Custom Product Tabs
  5. WooCommerce Multilingual.
  6. YITH Wishlist

1. HubSpot

Use the HubSpot plugin to add free CRM and marketing features to your WooCommerce shop. Sync your WooCommerce data into HubSpot to better track your customers and their orders.


2. WooCommerce Customizer

 WooCommerce Customizer recommended by us. It uses to customize the text for the “add to cart” button for different product types and to customize the number of products displayed per page. Also tweaked the coupon and log-in the text on the checkout page.

WooCommerce Customizer

3. PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

Use the PDF Invoices & Packing Slips plugin to add a PDF invoice automatically to the order confirmation emails you send out to your customers. It includes a basic template as well as the possibility to modify/create your own templates. In addition, you can choose to download or print invoices and packing slips from the order admin. 

PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

4. Custom Product Tabs

Custom Product Tabs extends the eCommerce solution to allow shop owners to add custom tabs to products. You use the additional tabs to include product specifics that you can add on a product-by-product basis.

5. WooCommerce Multilingual

If you anticipate having to cater to multiple languages, WooCommerce Multilingual makes it possible to run multilingual eCommerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML. You’ll be able to keep the same language through the checkout process, send emails to clients and admins in their native language, and more with this one robust plugin.

WooCommerce Multilingual

6. YITH Wishlist

In YITH Wishlist, you can make it easy for customers to save their favorites and share their wish lists on their social networks. That’s a big win for potential sales! This plugin enables customers to add products from your E-commerce store to their own wish list page. 

YITH Wishlist
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How to Add a logo to the WordPress login page?

If you have other authors of your WordPress for posting a Blog and the site management and want to set a custom logo, let’s talk, We know WordPress is an open-source web application that can help you to build up an E-commerce website without coding skills. Today, we will guide you on how to add a logo to the WordPress login page? It will look like a professional Website Admin panel if you have other authors of your WordPress for posting a Blog and site management. Let’s go through it.

How to add a logo to the WordPress login page?

How to add a logo to the WordPress login page?

There are three ways to add a logo on a WordPress admin login screen as the below mentioned.

  • A custom 3rd party theme
  • 3rd party plugin
  • by writing a simple code snippet.

KLCWEB strictly recommended that never use a third-party plugin for customizing the WordPress Admin panel, it might be storing your login credential and send it to a hacker. Since WordPress is a very sensitive web-based application and easy to hack. But Do not worry we already posted an article to secure your WordPress site or online store/E-commerce site.

How to change logo using the code?

How to change logo using the code?
  1. Connect your WordPress site with FTP
  2. find theme folder from Wp-content > Theme > Your Theme
  3. Once you reached there create the assets/images folder and upload your logon.png file If the assets folder already there then just upload the logo.png file there.

Are you not able to log in to the WordPress Admin panel? you can reset your WordPress password from the WordPress database check how to reset your WordPress password?

Place a logo:

Once you complete the above three steps correctly. Now, time to place a logo from WordPress Admin panel.

Place a logo:
  1. Login to WordPress admin panel from
  2. Go to the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Theme editor your theme files should be there and find function.php and edit it, before editing make you will make a backup file of function.php.
  3. And paste the below code at bottom of the function.php file.
function add_logo_to_login() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
        h1 a { background-image:url('.get_bloginfo('template_directory').'/assets/images/logo.jpg) !important; width:300px !important;}
add_action('login_head', 'add_logo_to_login');

Ensure that you have uploaded logo.png file inside Wp-contents > Themes > your theme folder > assets/images/logo.png

Hence, how the login page looks like after changing the logo.

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How to install Woocommerce?

WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress. WooCommerce uses for small online merchants who use WordPress. WooCommerce launched on September 27, 2011, this plugin quickly popular because it simple to install and customize and a free license base plugin. Klcweb will guide you How to install WooCommerce?

How to install Woocommerce?

If you have already installed a WordPress and want to install WooCommerce on it. You can install WooCommerce from WordPress > admin area > Plugins > Add new plugin.

How to install WooCommerce?

Once you installed WooCommerce then click on the activate button to active this plugin.

Setup Wizard of WooCommerce

When you activated this plugin the first time, it will be redirected to the setup wizard automatically and asks about your business details.

1.) Set up store profile.

In the first step, you need to mention your business location on this step and click on the continue button. And the pop up will display build Woocommerce better.

2.) Industry

In this step, you can select Industry or industries as your business type. if industry not match in this list you can choose Other option to specify your business exactly.

3.) Type of products

The third step will ask you about your business product and you are able to mention the business products you want to sell in your store. if you choose paid service you can purchase it later in the WooCommerce Wizard.

4.) Business Details

You can describe your business in this step. It’s the same as about us page, This will help WooCommerce to know about your needs.

5.) Theme

In this section, you can install the WooCommerce theme in the last step. Here you can get paid theme and a free theme. Choose a theme you want.

Once you did these 5 steps to set up the wizard of WooCommerce, you are able to set up your WooCommerce store as you want, you can set payment methods, import existing products…etc. you can ask us to set WooCommerce by filling this Form.

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How to Integrate Social Media Into Your Website?

Do you know that social media drives 32.63% of traffic to your sites? That’s KLCWEB recommended integrating social media into your website, so you can use social proof as a way of build up your brand and grow business.

To integrate social media accounts into your WordPress site, you can use All in one SEO Tools. All in one SEO tool will drive traffic to your site automatically. As we already discuss the top 5 SEO tools for WordPress, All in one IS one of them.

1.) You need to install All in one SEO plugin into WordPress, you can refer to how to install a plugin to your site here.

Once, you have done, go to All in SEO plugin > social network.

You will see all social medial components there, you just need to enter your social media accounts link and click on the save changes.

Enable Facebook Thumbnails to Boost Engagement.

We have studied deeply on website clicks and we identify that 40 to 45 % click comes from Facebook. So Facebook integration is most important.

Enable Facebook Thumbnails

To enable Facebook Thumbnails, go to all in one SEO > social network > Facebook and Enable open graph markup

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WordPress is an open-source application so you may face security level issues but do not worry we have tested a solution on how to secure WordPress.

Keep updating your WordPress with a new version.

>> Most common hacks/injections happen due to outdated WordPress, Themes, or plugins. So you should always keep up to date with the latest version of WordPress.

>> Always install themes, plugins recommended by

Set strong Password

A strong password is necessary not just to protect your blog content. A hacker who achieves access to your administrator account is able to install malicious scripts that can certainly compromise your entire server.

You can avoid such things time of the set a password:

>> A word from a dictionary, in any language.
>> Any numeric-only or alphabetic-only password (a mixture of both is best).

Disable File Editing

You can disable File editing from your WordPress and set admin only and put the below code inside the wp-config.php file to secure WordPress files/folders

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

Remove admin user

> > You can delete the default Admin username and create a new admin username or rename the existing username with an active email address.

Change table prefix name

You need to change the table prefix name by place the below line in Wp-config.php and change database prefix table name

$table_prefix  = ‘wp_myprefix_’;


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