Top 5 Best SEO Plugins and tools for WordPress

KLCWEB look in deeply inside SEO tools for a WordPress and recommended the best SEO plugins and tools which you can use for your WordPress site to grow up your business. However, KLCWEB offers a complete WordPress solution also we have designed our hosting specifically for WordPress hosting.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website in search engines.

SEO increase Ranking on search engine and improve your selling, SEO takes time to grow up your site on Search engines (around 6 months).

You should spend an hour daily for SEO for XML, RSS, generate site links. Hence, In these days many tools available for WordPress SEO.

List of top 5 SEO plugins for WordPress

  1. All in one SEO
  2. Yoast SEO
  3. Google Search console
  4. SEOPress
  5. Rank Math

1. All in one SEO

All in one SEO is the best WordPress SEO plugin. KLCWEB web recommended, it is the most comprehensive SEO toolkit that helps you improve SEO without learning any complicated SEO course.

2. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a highly demanded WordPress SEO plugin that allows you to optimize your WordPress website for search engines and it generate XML file automatically and crawl your site on the search engine.

3. Google search console

Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google to help you to monitor and maintain your site’s presence in Google search results.

It alerts you when Google is unable to crawl and index pages on your website. You can also get a helpful tips on how to fix those crawl errors.

4. SEOPress

SEOpress is powerful SEO plugin, its provide all tolls for SEO like meta keywords, meta description, open graph..etc. this helps to improve your site rank in a search engine.

5. Rank Math

Rank Math SEO tools is a very user friendly tools, that allows you to optimize your website, this plugin comes with wizard panel that helps to set up SEO strategy more effective way.

Best 5 PHP frameworks.

What is PHP?

PHP is an acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor” PHP is a widely-used, open-source scripting language. PHP scripts are executed on the server.

What is PHP frame works?

A PHP framework is platform that allowing to create PHP web based application. PHP framework contains of classes, libraries, pre-installed scripts packages and many more.

Why PHP framework important?

PHP framework helps to create PHP web based applications in the fastest way and it provides a basic structure. Framework fulfill your all requirement that helps you to build application more easily and effective way.

1.) Laravel

Laravel is an open-source framework. It has expensive elegant syntax to develop web-based applications. Laravel support MVC architecture, security, and routing. Laravel is the best for who develop B2B or enterprise website for changing web trend.

2.) CodeIgniter

Codelgniter is good for a small and dynamic website and it’s a very small framework 2 MB. but it has many features like MVC architecture, top-notch error handling, etc. this framework suitable for beginners.

3.) CackPHP

CakePHP is a web-based rapid framework CakePHP is very easy to learn because it has a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) framework. Also, CakePHP is very secure with SQL injection prevent so this framework is the best for a commercial website and very easy to install in a development machine.

4.) Zend

Zend is also an open-source PHP framework but it is purely object-oriented and built around MVC architecture design. this framework uses for web applications and services and for mobile apps Zend is the best one. you can manage session, data encryption, API, and MVC components.


FuelPHP is full stack PHP web based framework. Apart of this, it supports MVC, own hierarchical model view controller (HMVC). This framework provides end-to-end and HMVC and resetful implementation allow in this framework.

Types of SSL…

There are 3 types of SSL available. EV SSL certificate, OV SSL certificate, and DV SSL certificate. KLCWEB looks deeply inside these types of SSL so we can recommend the perfect SSL for your site.

EV Extended Validation SSL

Certificate authority has to check domain name with an organization legal documents before issue and the domain owner has to submit such legal document then CA verify it. Once all required steps complete CA will assign an EV certificate

Organization Validated (OV SSL) Certificates

Certificate authority checks specific domain name along with related organization legal documents to verify and additionally need to verify company details which will show when visitor visit the secure site. Organization information will show in the assign certificate under the ON field.

Domain Validated (DV SSL) Certificates

In this certificate, no need to verify company and organization details with a certificate authority, just need to verify the domain name via admin email. No company details appear on the certificate. This certificate suitable for small ad medium sites.

Why firewall is important?

Firewall monitoring requests from the internet and filleting them. The firewall takes care of your data, if any harmful request receives the server firewall immediately blocks the request and safe the data. In the Digital World, ransomware is a very easy trick to hack computers/servers.

At present, there are 2 types of firewall.

1.) software firewall

A software firewall comes with OS and it’s like inbuilt security software design by code. Windows system has Windows defender and Linux system has iptables

List of windows software firewall.

>> Sophos(recommended by KLCWEB)

>> manageEngine


List of Linux software firewall.

>> pfsense

>> ipcop

>> shorewall

2.) hardware firewall

A hardware firewall is a dedicated piece of equipment top of the server to make high security against DDos, Ransomware and other malicious attacks.

How does a hardware firewall work?

A hardware firewall monitoring data that comes from internet and check information is safe of harmful for the system, a hardware firewall track information by geolocation, IPs and source. In simple team the hardware firewall know as packet filter. it tracks information by geolocation, IPs and source and open port for safer request or drop it if that’s harmful information.

A hardware firewall allows port access, default rules, traffic control. where software firewall does not allow such function, it only protects your system. KLCWEB highly recommended that to configure a hardware firewall top of the system.

List of hardware firewall.

>> cisco

>> Checkpoint.

>> Fortinet

>> Sophos

What is CDN?

Content delivery network(CDN) delivering content to a customer from proxy servers around the world. CDN cached static contents of websites.

How CDN works?

it holds a cached copy of the website. Second, based on the geographical source of the request, it communicates with the browsers. A caching server of the website in say, Arizona gets that request and dispatches relevant content to the browser directly, given that it’s closer to the viewer. This way, the content reaches faster. 

Benefits of a CDN

User experience:

We live in times where people will not wait forever to see a page load. A load time of 2 seconds is average, and 1.5 seconds is above average. The new visitors didn’t spend lots of amount of time. They will close the website after few moments and finding an alternative.


Faster response time is the first need of SEO. Google never rank up slow response sites on their platform. Slow performance of the site may affect SEO algorithms.


If you have one server only, and it fails, your website is down too. There’s no other way around it. However, CDN has lots collation of the servers and all have site copies if, one fails the rest of the server pick up the staff, hence CDN improves uptime.

Difference between metered and unmetered Bandwidth…

Metered BandwidthUnmetered bandwidth
– Limited amount of uploading and downloading– No limits for uploading and downloading
– Pay additionally for extra bandwidth– No extra cost
– No speed cap for uploading downloading– Limited speed for uploading and downloading
– No server monitoring on bandwidth– Server keeps eye on Bandwidth usage
– Suitable for small website– Suitable for heavy site traffic.
– Face issue after reached bandwidth usage– No such issues appear

How to start an online shopping site?

These days the online store is a must important to grow up business, KLCWEB helps you to step online shopping site. Let’s discuss a few things to set up an online shopping site.

1.) Choose site platform.

To start an online shopping site, you need to select the right platform as per your needs. Few platforms are very famous and KLCWEB recommended these tools. WordPress, Nopcommerce, Joomla, Woocommerce. Once you have done this, set up it before it chooses a good hosting provider for an online shopping site like KLCWEB.

2.) Why good hosting?

Online shopping sites have lots of visitors request receive so performance is mandatory for this. An only a good hosting provider can provide a fast and secure hosting service. Make sure the hosting provider offers free SSL for your online shopping site. Viewers can not be passed a higher amount of time on unsecured site.

3.) Domain

Before buying a hosting service, you need to consider buying a domain name. Ensure that the domain name must match with the products. For example, food store,,…etc. Also, you need to care about DOMAIN extension for a force shopping site to a specific country if you want. either you can go with gTLDs for global.

4.) Set up a shopping site.

After all these , you are eligible to set up an online hosting site. You just need to request your hosting provide to install platform which you want. Generally, hosting providers have one click application installer to install platform.

5.) Configure payment gateways.

After set up and design an online shopping site, time to configure payment gateways to accept payments via credit card, debit cards, PayPal. KLCWEB suggests these payment gateways.

6.) SSL

Before highlighting an online shopping site install an SSL on it and set redirection from HTTP to HTTPS to make your site secure and make sure that none of the links from the page contain HTML, CSS, JS, images must use HTTPS instead of HTTP.

What is FTP (File transfer protocol)?

FTP – File transfer protocol is used to communicate with the server for uploading and downloading site contents between computer and TCP/IP network.

How to use/connect FTP?

To connect FTP you need to install any of the FTP clients like Filezilla, CuteFTP, Winscp or you can use File Explorer to connect FTP. KLCWEB strongly recommended using FileZilla for FTP. You can use FTP script for ASP.NET, core to allow upload and download files via Site for your customers.

Connect FTP via Filezilla

FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.


CuteFTP Home transfers files between your PC and remote computers. Whether you’re publishing a Web page downloading the latest digital images, software, pages, or transferring large files between your local machine and Server , CuteFTP Home will get the job done quickly and easily, even if you’re a beginner.


WinSCP is a popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows, a powerful file manager that will improve your productivity. It supports also Amazon S3, FTPS, SCP and WebDAV protocols. Power users can automate WinSCP using .NET assembly.

How does FTP work?

What is file transfer protocol (FTP)?

FTP connection needs two parties to establish and communicate on the network. To do that, users need to have permission by providing credentials to the FTP server. Some public FTP servers may not require credentials to access their files. The practice is common in a so-called anonymous FTP.

Difference between On-site SEO vs. Off-site SEO

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

On-Site SEO.

On-site SEO is the practice of optimizing elements on a website in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic from search engines. On-site SEO refers to optimizing both the content and HTML source code of a page.

  • content quality
  • keyword density
  • anchor text
  • internal links
  • HTML tags
  • URL structure
  • site performance
  • image quality, etc.

Off-site SEO

Off-site SEO refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs).

  • link building
  • guest posting
  • blog commenting
  • social media activity
  • reviews
  • brand mentions, etc.

How to reset MYSQL root password Windows server?

1.) stop mysql service from start menu > services > mysql

2.) Create a text file containing the password-assignment statement on a single line and replace the password with a new password you want to set.

>> ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘MyNewPass’;

3.) save this file as mysql-init.txt inside the C drive.

4.) Open CMD as administrator from the start menu > CMD > right click on command prompt > run as administrator

5.) Start the MySQL server with the init_file system variable set to name the file (notice that the backslash in the option value is doubled)

>> c:\> cd “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin” –>(set MYSQL bin from where you have installed MYSQL)

>> C:\> mysqld –init-file=C:\\mysql-init.txt

6.) Once the server has started successfully, delete C:\mysql-init.txt.

You should able to login to MYSQL with a new password, if you are still not able to login, you can try the below statement.

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string = PASSWORD(‘MyNewPass’), password_expired = ‘N’

WHERE User = ‘root’ AND Host = ‘localhost’;