How to Ensure the Security and Performance of Your WordPress Website?

WordPress has become the go-to content management system (CMS) for millions of websites worldwide. However, its Popularity has also made it a prime target for hackers. That’s why it’s crucial to prioritize the security and performance of your WordPress website. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the best practices and strategies to keep your WordPress site secure and running smoothly.

Table of Contents

  1. The Importance of WordPress Hosting
  2. Understanding Managed WordPress Hosting
  3. The Role of WordPress Hosting in Website Security
  4. Choosing the Right WordPress Hosting Provider
  5. The Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting
  6. Securing Your WordPress Admin Area
  7. Regularly Updating WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins
  8. Implementing Strong Passwords and User Permissions
  9. Utilizing Two-Factor Authentication
  10. Backing Up Your WordPress Website Regularly
  11. Implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF)
  12. Enabling SSL/HTTPS for Enhanced Security
  13. Protecting Against Brute-Force Attacks
  14. Disabling File Editing in WordPress
  15. Implementing Security Measures for Database Injections
  16. Optimizing Performance with Caching and CDN
  17. Monitoring Your WordPress Website for Security Issues
  18. Frequently Auditing and Reviewing Your Website’s Security
  19. Seeking Professional Assistance for Advanced Security Measures

The Importance of WordPress Hosting

One of the first steps in ensuring the security and performance of your WordPress website is choosing the right hosting provider. WordPress hosting plays a critical role in the security and stability of your website. A reliable and secure hosting service provides the foundation for a secure website. When selecting a WordPress hosting provider, consider factors such as server security measures, uptime guarantees, backup solutions, and customer support. A reputable hosting provider will offer multiple layers of protection to safeguard your website from potential threats.

Understanding Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting takes WordPress security to the next level. With managed hosting, your hosting provider takes care of all the technical aspects of running a WordPress website, including security, updates, backups, and optimization. This allows you to focus on creating and managing your content without worrying about the technical details.
Managed WordPress hosting providers often offer additional security features such as malware scanning, proactive threat monitoring, and automatic updates. These features help ensure that your website is protected against emerging security threats.

The Role of WordPress Hosting in Website Security

Your choice of WordPress hosting provider can significantly impact the overall security of your website. A reputable hosting provider will have robust security measures in place to protect their servers and customer websites. These measures may include regular security audits, firewall protection, intrusion detection systems, and malware scanning.
Additionally, a good hosting provider will keep their server software, PHP versions, and hardware up to date to prevent hackers from exploiting known security vulnerabilities. They will also have disaster recovery plans in place to protect your data in case of any major incidents.

Choosing the Right WordPress Hosting Provider

When selecting a WordPress hosting provider, it’s essential to consider factors such as security, performance, scalability, and customer support. Here are some key factors to consider:
Server Security Measures:- Look for a hosting provider that implements strong server security measures such as firewalls, malware scanning, and regular security audits. Additionally, check if they offer SSL certificates and secure FTP (SFTP) access.

Uptime Guarantees:- Ensure that the hosting provider offers a high uptime guarantee, preferably 99.9% or higher. This ensures that your website remains accessible to visitors at all times.

Backup Solutions:- Choose a hosting provider that offers regular automated backups of your website. This ensures that you can quickly restore your website in case of any security incidents or data loss.

Customer Support:- Check if the hosting provider offers 24/7 customer support and if they have a knowledgeable support team that can assist you with any security-related issues.

Reputation and Reviews Do thorough research and read reviews to gauge the reputation and reliability of the hosting provider. Look for feedback from other WordPress users to ensure that the provider has a track record of delivering secure and reliable hosting services.

5. The Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress hosting offers several benefits in terms of security, performance, and convenience. Here are some key advantages of opting for managed hosting:

Enhanced Security

Managed WordPress hosting providers often have advanced security measures in place, such as proactive threat monitoring, malware scanning, and automatic updates. They also have experienced security professionals who can quickly respond to any security incidents.

Automatic Updates and Backups

With managed hosting, you don’t have to worry about keeping WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date. The hosting provider takes care of these updates automatically, ensuring that your website is protected against known vulnerabilities. They also perform regular backups of your website, allowing you to restore it quickly if needed.

Optimized Performance

Managed hosting providers optimize their servers specifically for WordPress websites, resulting in faster loading times and improved overall performance. They often employ caching techniques, content delivery networks (CDNs), and other optimization strategies to ensure optimal website performance.

Expert Support

Managed hosting providers have dedicated support teams with in-depth knowledge of WordPress. They can assist you with any technical issues, security concerns, or performance optimizations.

6. Securing Your WordPress Admin Area

The WordPress admin area is the control center of your website, making it a prime target for hackers. Securing your admin area is crucial to protect your website from unauthorized access. Here are some essential security measures to implement:

Use Strong Passwords

Ensure that you and your users use strong, unique passwords for your WordPress admin accounts. Avoid common passwords and consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely.

Limit Login Attempts

Install a plugin that limits the number of login attempts a user can make. This helps prevent brute-force attacks, where hackers try to guess your password by systematically attempting different combinations.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Enable two-factor authentication for your WordPress admin accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of verification, such as a code sent to their mobile device, in addition to their password.

Change the Default Admin Username

Avoid using the default “admin” username for your WordPress admin account. Hackers often target this default username when attempting to gain unauthorized access to a website. Instead, create a unique username during the WordPress installation process.

7. Regularly Updating WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins

Keeping your WordPress core, themes, and plugins up to date is vital for maintaining a secure website. Developers regularly release updates that patch security vulnerabilities and introduce new features. Here’s how to ensure regular updates:

Enable Automatic Updates

Configure your WordPress installation to automatically install minor updates. This ensures that your website remains protected against known vulnerabilities.

Update Themes and Plugins

Regularly check for updates to your WordPress themes and plugins. Update them as soon as new versions are available to ensure that you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.

Remove Unused Themes and Plugins

Delete any unused themes and plugins from your WordPress installation. These can be potential security risks if they are not regularly updated.

8. Implementing Strong Passwords and User Permissions

The use of strong passwords and granular user permissions can significantly enhance the security of your WordPress website. Here’s how to implement these measures effectively:

Use Strong Passwords

Encourage all users to create strong, unique passwords for their WordPress accounts. Educate them on the importance of password security and provide guidelines on creating strong passwords.

Enforce User Role Permissions

Assign appropriate user roles and permissions to each user account on your WordPress website. Limit access to the admin area to only those who require it, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes or malicious activities.

Regularly Review User Accounts

Regularly audit and review user accounts on your WordPress website. Remove any inactive or unnecessary accounts to minimize potential security risks.

9. Utilizing Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your WordPress login process. Here’s how to implement 2FA effectively:

Choose a Reliable 2FA Plugin

Install and configure a reputable two-factor authentication plugin for your WordPress website. There are several plugins available that offer different methods of 2FA, such as codes sent via SMS or generated by a mobile app.

Enable 2FA for All Users

Encourage all users, including administrators and contributors, to enable two-factor authentication for their WordPress accounts. This helps ensure that even if an attacker obtains a user’s password, they would still need the second factor to gain access.

Regularly Monitor and Manage 2FA Settings

Regularly review and manage the 2FA settings on your WordPress website. Remove any inactive or unused authentication methods and ensure that users are regularly prompted to re-authenticate.

10. Backing Up Your WordPress Website Regularly

Regular backups are essential for restoring your WordPress website in case of data loss, security breaches, or other unforeseen events. Here’s how to implement an effective backup strategy:

Choose a Reliable Backup Solution

Select a reputable backup plugin or service that suits your needs. Look for features such as automated backups, off-site storage, and easy restoration options.

Configure Regular Backup Schedule

Set up a regular backup schedule based on the frequency of your website updates. Daily or weekly backups are generally recommended, but the frequency may vary depending on your specific requirements.

Test Backup and Restoration Process

Regularly test the backup and restoration process to ensure that your backups are working correctly. This will help you be prepared in case you need to restore your website in the future.

11. Implementing a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A web application firewall (WAF) provides an additional layer of protection for your WordPress website. Here’s how to implement a WAF effectively:

Choose a Reliable WAF Solution

Select a reputable WAF provider that specializes in WordPress security. Look for features such as real-time threat monitoring, automatic blocking of malicious traffic, and regular security updates.

Configure WAF Settings

Set up the WAF to suit your website’s specific needs. Configure rules and settings to prevent common attacks such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and brute-force login attempts.

Regularly Monitor WAF Logs

Regularly review the logs and reports generated by your WAF. Monitor for any suspicious activity or attempted attacks and take appropriate action if necessary.

12. Enabling SSL/HTTPS for Enhanced Security

Enabling SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and using HTTPS for your WordPress website provides an additional layer of encryption and security. Here’s how to implement SSL effectively:

Obtain an SSL Certificate

Obtain an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA). There are several types of SSL certificates available, including free options such as Let’s Encrypt.

Configure SSL on Your Website

Install and configure the SSL certificate on your web server. This typically involves updating your website’s configuration and enabling HTTPS for all pages.

Update Internal Links and Content

Update any internal links and content on your website to use the HTTPS protocol. This ensures that all resources on your website are loaded securely.

13. Protecting Against Brute-Force Attacks

Brute-force attacks can be a significant threat to your WordPress website. Implementing measures to protect against these attacks is crucial. Here’s how to enhance your website’s defense against brute-force attacks:

Limit Login Attempts

Install a plugin that limits the number of login attempts a user can make. This helps prevent attackers from repeatedly guessing passwords.

Implement CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA

Add a CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA to your login page to ensure that login attempts are made by humans and not automated bots.

Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Implement two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to the login process. This ensures that even if an attacker obtains a user’s password, they would still need the second factor to gain access.

14. Disabling File Editing in WordPress

File editing capabilities within WordPress can pose a security risk if misused. Disabling file editing helps mitigate this risk. Here’s how to disable file editing effectively:

Edit wp-config.php File

Access your WordPress installation’s wp-config.php file and add the following line of code to disable file editing:

define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);

Use a Security Plugin

Alternatively, you can use a reputable security plugin that provides an option to disable file editing. Look for this feature in the settings of the security plugin you choose.

15. Implementing Security Measures for Database Injections

Database injections, such as SQL injections, can exploit vulnerabilities in your website’s code. Implementing security measures to protect against these attacks is crucial. Here’s how to enhance your website’s defense against database injections:

Use Prepared Statements or Parameterized Queries

When interacting with your WordPress database, always use prepared statements or parameterized queries. These security measures help prevent malicious code from being executed.

Regularly Update Plugins and Themes

Keep all your plugins and themes up to date, as developers often release updates that patch security vulnerabilities. Regularly check for updates and install them promptly.

Use a Security Plugin

Install a reputable security plugin that offers protection against database injections. These plugins often include features such as code scanning, vulnerability detection, and blocking of known attack patterns.

16. Optimizing Performance with Caching and CDN

Optimizing the performance of your WordPress website not only enhances the user experience, but also contributes to overall security. Here’s how to optimize your website’s performance effectively:

Implement Caching

Install a caching plugin that helps optimize your website’s performance by storing static copies of your web pages. This reduces the load on your server and improves page load times.

Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Configure a CDN to deliver your web site’s static files, such as images and CSS files, from servers located closer to your visitors. This helps reduce latency and improve overall website performance.

Optimize Image Sizes

Compress and optimize your website’s images to reduce their file sizes without compromising visual quality. This improves page load times and reduces bandwidth usage.

17. Monitoring Your WordPress Website for Security Issues

Regular monitoring of your WordPress website is essential to detect and address any security issues promptly. Here’s how to effectively monitor your website for security issues:

Install a Security Plugin

Choose a reputable security plugin that offers real-time monitoring of your website for potential security threats. These plugins often provide alerts and notifications when suspicious activity is detected.

Monitor File Integrity

Regularly check the integrity of your website’s files and directories. Look for any unauthorized modifications or additions that may indicate a security breach.

Review User Activity Logs

Keep an eye on user activity logs to identify any suspicious behavior or unauthorized access attempts. Monitor login activity, user role changes, and other critical events.

18. Frequently Auditing and Reviewing Your Website’s Security

Regular auditing and reviewing of your website’s security measures are crucial to ensure ongoing protection against emerging threats. Here’s how to effectively audit and review your website’s security:

Perform Security Audits

Regularly conduct security audits of your WordPress website. This may involve manual checks, using security plugins, or hiring a professional security firm to perform an in-depth assessment.

Stay Informed About Security Best Practices

Keep yourself updated with the latest security best practices and emerging threats. Follow reputable security blogs and forums to stay informed about new vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies.

Stay Updated with WordPress Security Releases

Regularly update your WordPress installation, themes, and plugins to the latest versions that include security patches. This helps protect your website against known vulnerabilities.

19. Seeking Professional Assistance for Advanced Security Measures

If you require advanced security measures or have specific security concerns, consider seeking professional assistance. Here’s when it might be beneficial to engage professional security services:

Security Consulting and Assessments

Hire a security consultant or firm to assess your website’s security posture, identify vulnerabilities, and provide recommendations for improving security.

Penetration Testing

Engage a penetration testing service to simulate real-world attacks on your website. This helps identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Incident Response and Recovery

In the event of a security breach, professional incident response services can help you quickly respond, contain the breach, and recover your website with minimal downtime.

By implementing these best practices and strategies, you can significantly enhance the security and performance of your WordPress website. Remember to regularly review and update your security measures to stay ahead of emerging threats. With a secure and well-optimized website, you can have peace of mind and focus on creating valuable content for your visitors.

Remember, WordPress hosting plays a crucial role in your website’s security and performance. Consider investing in, managed WordPress hosting, such as WordPress hosting by KLCWeb, to ensure a reliable and secure hosting environment for your website. With the right hosting provider and effective security measures in place, you can enjoy a safe and successful WordPress journey

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Tips to improve your SEO 2023

SEO is one of the most important aspects of online marketing. It can help your website rank higher in search engines, increasing your website’s traffic and potential customers. However, achieving good SEO doesn’t come easy. In this post, we’re going to share 5 tips that will help you improve your SEO. from improving your website’s content to optimizing your website for search engines, these tips will help you take your website to the next level. So if you want to improve your website’s SEO, read on!

1.) Understand the importance of SEO

SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website or blog so that it can rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERP). In the world of online marketing, SEO is one of the most important factors you can control. Not only does it help to drive more visitors to your site, but it can also boost your traffic and conversion rates.

There are a few things you can do to improve your website’s SEO. You can focus on improving your site’s title, description, and keywords. You can also make sure your site is properly optimized for search engines, and you can create engaging content that will keep your readers coming back. If you’re serious about boosting your website’s SEO, then you should hire a professional – like SEOmoz – to help you get the job done.

2.) Enforce your website’s SEO best practices

SEO is all about making sure your website is optimized for search engines. There are a number of things you can do to make sure your website is seen as the best it can be.
One of the most important things you can do is enforce your website’s SEO best practices. This means making sure your website is well-written, has proper titles and metadata, uses keywords throughout the site, and is designed to look good on all devices.

3.) Optimize your website’s content for search engines

One of the best ways to improve your website’s SEO is to optimize your content for search engines. This means writing for your target audience, using keyword-rich titles, and including keywords throughout your content.
By optimizing your website’s content for search engines, you’ll help improve your website’s ranking on search engines and improve your website’s visibility. This will lead to more website visitors and, as a result, increased sales.
If you’re not sure how to go about optimizing your website’s content for search engines, you can hire an SEO company to help you. Alternatively, you can use online tools such as the Google Search Console and SEMrush.

4.) Create effective links to your website

SEO is all about getting your website higher up on the search engine results pages (SERPs). The more people who are searching for your website, the more exposure you’ll receive and, in turn, the more likely you are to drive more traffic to your website and generate more sales.
There are a few different ways to achieve this:

  1. Increase the number of backlinks to your website.
  2. Get involved in online forums and communities where your target market hangs out.
  3. Submit your website to popular search engine directories.
  4. Use powerful keyword research tools to find the right keywords to target.
  5. Make sure your website is well-designed, easy to navigate, and error-free.
  6. Monitor your website’s SEO progress and make necessary changes

There are a few general steps you can take to improve your website’s SEO.
The first step is to monitor your website’s SEO progress. By tracking your website’s SEO stats, you can determine where you need to make changes in order to improve your website’s ranking.

Next, make sure you are using the correct keywords in your website’s title, meta tags, and text. By using the right keywords, you can help to improve your website’s ranking.
Moreover, be sure to keep your website updated and fresh. This will help to improve your website’s ranking.

Finally, make sure you have a webmaster who is knowledgeable about SEO. A knowledgeable webmaster can help to improve your website’s ranking.

SEO is one of the most important elements of a successful online presence. If you want to rank higher on search engines, you need to follow these 5 tips. After reading this blog post, we hope that you will be able to improve your SEO and make your website more visible to potential customers.

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How to prevent website downtime issues? – KLCWB

Website accessibility is essential for businesses, especially because customers demand that their online transactions be smooth and easy in today’s competitive market. When a website fails, it can’t be accessed online, or it doesn’t work well enough for users to finish a task or access information.

If your website isn’t accessible at all, it will significantly limit its reach to your potential customers. On the other hand, the accessibility of your website means everybody can access your site in a way that is comfortable and convenient for them. As a result, you will attract new customers and increase your brand’s visibility.

If the site isn’t accessible, people may not be able to access the information they need. As a result, it can harm a company’s reputation, negatively affect customers’ trust, and lower revenue. It’s important to understand website downtime and how to prevent it.

In this article, we will let you know the most common cause of site downtime with ways to prevent them.

What is the reason behind site downtime?

1.) Most common issue Expiration of the domain name

Once you buy the domain, it is registered for a certain period. You will have to renew the domain as per your renewal date. But suppose you don’t renew the domain during the specified period. In that case, the domain will expire, and the website won’t work.

However, there is a grace period of 30-45 days for your domain to be renewed. After that domain enters the redemption period, which is valid for 30 days. In this phase, you still have time to renew the domain. But you will have to pay some additional fees.

If you haven’t renewed your domain during the redemption period, the domain becomes available for public registration, and the site will be permanently lost.

2.) Incorrect Setting in DNS

Your web hosting account should be linked with your domain via DNS ( Domain name server). This will allow a domain name to access your hosted site on a web server.

Some minor mistakes in your DNS settings can cause a website to be inaccessible. The DNS record must point to the server’s primary IP address. You must WWW A record or Cname that allows your domain to access your site on and

Also, Make sure you add an A/ Cname record separate record for each subdomain.

3.) Coding Error

Coding errors are a matter of concern when the site isn’t open. Even a misplaced dot in coding can cause a big problem, hence, coding mistakes can cause many problems with your website. they can cause the site not to load correctly, CSS and JS files don’t load correctly and your site should display as a plain page it will cause you to lose customers, and even lead to your site being shut down.

It’s essential to use a coding error detection tool to check for any coding mistakes on your website. It will help you fix any problems before they become critical problems.

4.) DDOS Attacks

DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks are a type of cyber-attack that can cause significant damage to a website or system. Hackers often flood the target website/ online service with massive requests from fake users, causing the site to crash or become unavailable.

In addition, the unusual spike in traffic causes overloading of the bandwidth and server resources. Sometimes, your website might not be isn’t the target of the DDoS attack. Still, If your website is hosted on a shared server and a website from the same server is targeted, you may also face downtime because of a server crash. DDoS Attacks can disrupt business operations, stop traffic, or attack data.

However, you can avoid being a victim of a DDoS attack by going for a quality hosting provider that offers DDoS protection with their hosting plans.

5.) Network Issue

Another possibility is that you have problems connecting to the server where you are hosted over the network. This indicates that even though you can access other websites, you can’t access the particular server you’re hosted on, it’s unreachable. This might happen due to a caching problem, browser issues, or other reasons.

When a website is inaccessible, users will be unable to access the site, and it will show blank pages. In that case, contact your hosting provider to troubleshoot the problem.

On the other hand, your visitors may be able to visit your website, but you don’t. There’s a chance that your particular IP is blocked on the server because of multiple false login attempts (because of security measures). You need to contact your hosting provider for guidance in such a case.


Your website is the first impression of your business that can attract potential customers. This is more important than ever in today’s digital age, so you must take steps to protect your website.

We have listed some of the most common reasons a website could be inaccessible. And also shared the solutions to avoid such issues to ensure perfect uptime for your website.

Most of these problems can be avoided by choosing a reliable hosting provider. It will help your business websites create a dynamic online presence to support your business’ growth manifold.

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13 Facts You Should Know Before Purchasing Shared Hosting. -KLCWEB

It is on the grounds that they imagine that it does modest facilitating and will give restricted highlights. Indeed, that isn’t true with each facilitating organization. You should look at the best of the organization and their offers so you don’t avoid anything.

Above all, it is fundamental that you know the real factors that you should check while purchasing the common facilitating administrations so you don’t get some unacceptable arrangement. Peruse the article till the end and you will get to know the best of the pointers to put a mark prior to purchasing the common facilitating.

1. Renewal Cost

Many web facilitating organizations pull a prank on clients by showing a lower beginning cost to fool them into buying into their arrangements. The story behind it is very unique. These modest plans convert into costly evaluating plans after the reestablishment.

In the event that you are new to web facilitating, odds are you may know nothing about this reality. Be that as it may, it exists and large numbers of the facilitating organizations follow it. Particularly you may be picking shared facilitating to get a reasonable arrangement however, all things considered, you will be caught in a costly bundle. Thus, check for yourself.

2. Backups

You really buckle down on your substance that its security may be significant for you. With customary reinforcements, you will be guaranteed the well-being of the substance and instruments of your site. Backups are finished in various reaches; some Hosting organizations give daily, and some give week by week.

There are additionally shared hosting organizations that give an automated backup which implies you won’t have to stress over it. Indeed, even notification assuming they give it to free or charge you for the assistance.

3. Rating

It will be a straightforward step for you too. You should check sites that have evaluations and surveys of the web hosting organizations. This will help you in knowing better. In any case, do visit just the confided in locales to know the genuine surveys and evaluations.

4. Plans

On the off chance that a web facilitating organization has assortment in their arrangements, that can be useful for you. Not exclusively to move to various sorts of facilitating however to overhaul or assortment in shared facilitating itself. You should get more elements or less sooner or later with adaptability this will be simpler.

5. Free Domain

Nobody requires to carry concentration to this point. However, here I am requesting that you if it’s not too much trouble, note down this and consider your rundown. You can find many web facilitating organizations that give free spaces even with shared facilitating plans. Save yourself a lot of cash by this step as opposed to getting it independently.

6. Customer Support

For any web facilitating administration, client assistance is the essential element that ought to be checked. You should take a strong fascination with watching surveys of clients on this. Client care may not appear to mean a lot to you toward the beginning.

In any case, there are examples when your site might experience the ill effects of free time or low speed. At that point, the client’s assistance ended up being useful. Most web facilitating organizations give all-day, everyday administration. You help support through a wide range of sources like live talk, email, and telephone even.

7. Uptime

Uptime is the main component. It should be considered at any expense. Keeping away from this will appear on your site’s presentation. The standard web facilitating uptime is 99.95%. Anything underneath that would end up being hurtful to your site’s presentation. With low uptime, the bob pace of your site will increment. This influences the web index positioning.

8. Unlimited

You can without much of a stretch find many web hosting that gives limitless highlights and numerous things. Yet, recall these limitless elements are not limitless 100% of the time. You should remain mindful of these stunts and clear these questions ahead of time. This will get you far from succumbing to any lure that says limitless and it really isn’t limitless.

9. Cancellation Policy

For some individuals picking web facilitating may be the toughest choice of their life. With basically no information on the offices and elements. However, you want to realize that there is a more secure side to this decision. You can browse the many web facilitating organizations that give unconditional promises.

You can profit from the advantages, experience the facilitating administration, and afterward possibly choose if you have any desire to proceed. In the event that you could do without web facilitating you can guarantee the cash back.

10. Freebies

Who detests gifts? Particularly when you get it at a low costing plan which is practically the situation for shared facilitating. You will capitalize on the costing value that you are paying to assume the web facilitating organization that you picked gives you gifts.

The most widely recognized ones to check are Free SSL authentication, CDN, space, and reinforcement. There can be numerous different elements; these are only guides to help you to remember the advantage.

11. Speed

You may be considering what sort of speed a web facilitating organization gives. It relies upon many elements. The speed of the site is impacted by numerous different elements. In any case, you should check the stacking season of the site page, transferring time, and, surprisingly, the server speed.

Every last bit of it will help you in getting more transformations. With a sluggish stacking page, a guest would have zero desire to invest more energy on your page. With a speedy shift, your page will experience the ill effects of a skip rate.

12. Flexibility

You are picking a web facilitating administration since you maintain that the errand should be simpler for you. There would be many devices or applications that you need to use on your site to make a superior Impression. This should be possible by utilizing different devices. Be that as it may, some facilitating organizations don’t allow you to coordinate other visitor instruments or applications. Remember this when you are picking your common facilitating plan.

13. Data Centers

Presently, we should zero in on a component that stays overlooked. All the time individuals continue to keep an eye on the highlights and plan and they neglect to check the area of the day servers from which they are purchasing the common facilitating plan. The server farm will influence the server speed and execution.

As per me, you should pick the common facilitating which has an information area in the locale where you want the crowd from. This aids in expanding positioning.

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How to design an SEO-Friendly Website? klcweb

Site improvement is no question a piece of web composition. Integrating SEO into your business site helps increment online openness to web indexes and Google SERPs.
Planning an alluring site is a certain something. The best happy and planned endeavors will be squandered if nobody visits your site. In this manner, putting resources into an SEO-accommodating site can assist with further developing rankings and driving expected traffic to each page.

Be that as it may, how well your site positions and draws in clients rely upon your decision on SEO procedures. Coming up next are a couple of tips and deceives to assist you with enhancing your site for web indexes. We should begin!

Tips To Make Your Website SEO-Friendly

Select SEO-accommodating Domain

The space name of the site you pick ought to mirror your item’s vision. Likewise, it ought to be connected with the inquiry that your crowd might be doing about your gifts. On the off chance that your objective market can coordinate their necessities with your item, your site will be an incredible asset for them to address those issues.

Ensure the area you pick is exceptional and advances the trust of possible clients. Utilize a word that comes from search terms when individuals are attempting to track down data about your specialty or industry.

Design a Mobile Response Website

Obviously, clients can get to sites and virtual entertainment channels utilizing various gadgets. PDAs, PCs, course readings, and tablets are models. Furthermore, the quantity of individuals utilizing cell phones is developing quickly.

Subsequently, make your site receptive to cell phones so your level goes up. Introducing the main portable procedure assists with giving predictable client data and remaining in front of the latest things on the lookout.

Center around User Information

Ease of use is similarly pretty much as significant as SEO amicability. This implies that your site shouldn’t just be alluring however ought to likewise have the option to catch the consideration of guests.

Your site ought to have a simple to-utilize structure. Give a straightforward menu for clients to browse. As though your site is requiring over three seconds to stack, clients are bound to leave it.
Therefore, your deals will increment as your guests appreciate carving out greater opportunities to peruse your site. Additionally, it will expand how much time guests spend on the site and decrease the leap rates.

Update Website Content Regularly

Web search tools are continuously searching for new and significant substances. This is on the grounds that guests expect new and refreshed data each time they visit the site.

Thus, assuming they keep on tapping similar connections and come by similar outcomes, they will lose interest in your site.

Consequently, it is critical to keep the site new with significant and alluring site content. Update portrayal mode as indicated by satisfied, as well.

Consideration Easy Navigation and Readable

Search engine optimization isn’t the slightest bit specialized. Google centers around sites that have content that responds to client questions and addresses their issues.

While doing Search Engine Optimization, focus on your site readings and by and large appearance. On the off chance that guests to your site don’t find the data they are searching for, it won’t be difficult to utilize. Subsequently, the SEO fellowship of your site will endure.

To accomplish this, ensure the substance is not difficult to peruse. Ensure the substance is the right size so that regardless of whether the page is zoomed in, the look doesn’t make any difference.

Pick brilliant textual styles that are likewise simple to peruse for your clients. Try not to compose long areas of content; all things considered, partition it into more limited ones.

Generally, further developed meaningfulness brings about a more easy to use business site in website streamlining.


Each of the above tips will assist you with working on the SEO of your site and take it to the highest point of web search tool results. By utilizing these SEO techniques, you can further develop client experience and accomplish better ROI. Furthermore, clients will invest more energy in your site, prompting expanded commitment and traffic. In this way, it allows you an opportunity to contact a more extensive crowd.

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How to Redirect 404 Error Page in WordPress and What Reasons and Solutions – KLCWEB

Quite possibly of the most widely recognized blunder, you might experience while perusing the web is the 404 mistake. Tragically, this code has become perhaps of the most unmistakable blunder on the web. This blunder is standard to such an extent that even sites use ensemble plans to show 404 pages, so at whatever point guests face this mistake, they can see that custom 404 page!

At the point when Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) standard reaction code demonstrates the mentioned administrations can’t be found, it shows a 404 blunder. In any case, there can be various different explanations behind this blunder, for example, when the server will not uncover the mentioned data or when the substance has been taken out.

This mistake likewise could occur assuming one of your blog entry URLs is incorrectly spelled; all guests who hit that connection will be coordinated to a 404 page rather than your blog or post interface. As per the Google report, a 404 mistake doesn’t adversely influence your site in search positioning. Yet, losing your site traffic and possible clients because of the 404 blunder can prompt a lower search positioning. So it merits fixing!

404 mistake is one of the most negative and unsafe issues for your site as it influences your site in various ways. You lose search rankings and backlinks as well as significant traffic, guests, and possible clients.

Subsequently, disregarding the 404 blunder might turn into a gigantic misstep for you when there are various answers to divert your 404-page traffic.

Various reasons for 404 error

Guests might type some unacceptable URL to peruse or incorrectly spell the URLs. Subsequently, the page looked at coordinates precisely with no URL and shows a 404 mistake.

The solicitation is denied by separating setup.

The page doesn’t stack as expected; be that as it may, we can correct it effectively by invigorating the page and squeezing the F5 button.

Now and again the 404 mistakes could arise for the basic explanation that the page didn’t stack as expected. Which likewise can be really looked at effectively by reviving the page.

Losing site content in view of site move might cause a 404 mistake

Likewise, in the wake of refreshing the blog title, at times you might need to change the URL. Around then, all guests who click on an old URL from an item or an informal community will find a 404 mistake in light of transferred sites or posts. You can fix this issue by diverting the old URL to the new URL.

Plugins for Redirecting 404 Error Pages in WordPress

Different modules are accessible in WordPress; you can essentially utilize these modules and divert your 404-pages.

You can convey the best client experience without hurting your hunt rankings by diverting your 404 pages.

By diverting your 404 blunder pages, you’re sending clients to a new “working” page and illuminating web search tool crawlers about the new area of that page.

1. “All 404 Redirect to Homepage” Plugin

The All 404 module can fix all arbitrary connections that might show up on your sites and divert them to the Homepage. This module is very unique in relation to other modules as it doesn’t divert physically by making individual URLs. All things being equal, it works by diverting every one of the 404 pages of your site to your Homepage. Hence, anybody experiencing a messed-up connection to your site will be diverted to the Homepage as opposed to the 404 blunder page.

How to Use All 404 Redirect to Homepage Plugin?

In the first place, introduce and actuate the All 404 Redirect to Homepage module.

Go to the setting page of the All 404 Redirect to the Homepage.

Presently, set the redirection status to Enable, and enter your landing page URL in the ‘Divert each of the 404 pages to’ choice.

Finally, click on the Update choice to save the changes.

2. “Redirection” Plugin

Redirection is one of the most popular modules, with multiple million dynamics introduced. For the WordPress redirection director, you can set up 301 diverts and monitor 404 blunders, which decreases mistakes and improves your site positioning.

The Redirection Plugin is free and makes it simple to divert traffic to another URL from broken joins. Furthermore, you can set up a restrictive divert that guides the guests to one more page by fixing specific measures.

3. “All-in-One SEO” Plugin

Across the board, SEO is the module for diverting your clients from old to new URLs as it accompanies a redirection supervisor to oversee 301 diverts and track the 404 mistakes to fix impasses.

This module naturally sends clients from old URLs to new URLs, even in web crawlers, to assist you with trying not to lose your traffic as a result of such blunders.

Moreover, in the All in One SEO, you can physically add source URLs and target URLs without any problem. You can utilize programmed divert elements to affirm your clients and the web crawlers find your new happy at whatever point you erase a post or change the URL. So it diverts your client and helps in developing site traffic and further developing web search tool positioning.

Other Plugins to Manage 404 Error in WordPress


SeedProd is one of the most mind-blowing point-of-arrival manufacturers for making different points of arrival, for example, the 404 page, coming soon, upkeep mode, thank you pages, and so on. Likewise, SeedProd is one of the simple to-utilize page manufacturers that you can use to fabricate your WordPress custom subject header, footers, and so forth.

This module has its developing library with around 200+ WordPress pre-assembled subjects, layouts, and so forth; you don’t for even a moment expect to know any coding information to utilize it.

404 Page Plugin

To wrap things up is the 404 Page Plugin used to construct custom 404 pages, however, it doesn’t offer redirection. However, as you most likely are aware, 404 mistake pages are typically dull and look exhausting, so the 404 Page Plugin permits choosing a page from your WordPress site and involving it as a 404 page, or you can utilize it to further develop the 404 formats record.

Wrapping Up!

Along these lines, in WordPress, you can utilize modules to fix every redirection mistake as opposed to resolving each issue individually. Indeed, even with no specialized aptitude, you might utilize these modules to further develop your site’s client experience and upgrade your web index positioning by diverting broken connections to related interfaces or diverting every one of the 404 mistakes to the Homepage.

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Debunking Common Myths About Shared Hosting-KLCWEB

While deciding on a facilitating web answer for taking sites online interestingly, numerous organizations face the test of picking the right web facilitating administration.

While a few web facilitating arrangements are accessible to meet various business needs and necessities — Shared Hosting is the ideal decision for small sites and organizations.

It’s one of the generally embraced and well-known facilitating administrations — which has the second-biggest Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 10.3% each year after Cloud Hosting. Notwithstanding, regardless of its wide prominence and advantages, a few legends rotate around Shared Hosting — settling on organizations reclaim and forward choices for picking this facilitating arrangement.

This article busts the standard Shared Hosting legends to assist you with acknowledging what makes it a reasonable and solid facilitating answer for little and new organizations. On the whole, we should find out about Shared Hosting.

What is Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting is the most financial plan accommodating web facilitating arrangements with different sites on a solitary Shared Server.

Subsequently, every site facilitated on the Shared Server shares the normal server’s space and facilitating assets — lessening the all-out cost of facilitating.

Besides, the Shared Hosting supplier deals with servers the executives, support, security, and other specialized parts of facilitating — making it simpler and advantageous for you to take your business online at its early phase.

These elements make Shared Hosting the most reasonable web facilitating answer for little sites and organizations.

Presently, how about we take a gander at some normal Shared Hosting legends and why you shouldn’t succumb to them.

4 common Shared Hosting myths that you shouldn’t fall for

Numerous organizations skirt Shared Hosting and choose a considerably more costly web facilitating administration than required just due to accepting bogus proclamations and fantasies they read on the web or hear from somebody.

Here are a few normal misinterpretations about Shared Hosting.

Myth 1: Shared Hosting is no different than free hosting

Despite the fact that Shared Hosting is the most reasonable choice and each free facilitating is Shared Hosting — it doesn’t mean Shared Hosting is low-esteem or isn’t dependable.

Free facilitating arrangements frequently accompany stowed away expenses. For example, by facilitating your site free of charge, the facilitating supplier adapts his business by putting promotions on your site and comes up short on high uptime assurance, execution, and protection from cyberattacks.

Then again, Shared Hosting doesn’t accompany stowed away expenses and offers substantially more important and solid facilitating administrations.

Besides, you likewise get a high uptime to ensure, high-level security, and on-request support from a dependable Shared Hosting supplier — helping your site’s development and achievement.

Myth 2: Shared Hosting isn’t a secure hosting solution

Indeed, the Shared Hosting climate could represent some security dangers to your site in light of the other weak destinations present on the Shared Hosting Server.

In any case, it doesn’t make Shared Hosting to a lesser degree a safe facilitating arrangement. All things being equal, numerous dependable Shared Hosting suppliers utilize venture level and profoundly solid assets with security arrangements like firewalls, network observing, hostile to malware, and DDoS insurance.

Thus, on the off chance that you own another site and need a safe and reasonable facilitating arrangement — Shared Hosting is a decent spot to begin.

Myth 3: Shared Hosting results in frequent downtimes

Site personal times rely upon how much traffic you get on your site and your Shared Hosting supplier.

The best Shared Hosting suppliers offer a high uptime assurance of 99.99%, day in and day out client care, and guarantee that your site keeps awake regardless of how much traffic you get.

In this way, don’t stress over site personal times while picking a reasonable Shared Hosting plan for your business.

Myth 4: Shared Hosting doesn’t offer scalability

One more typical legend about Shared Hosting is that it neglects to offer consistent adaptability — making you stay with fewer assets or change to another web facilitating organization by and large.

In any case, in all actuality, Shared Hosting offers consistent and simple versatility of facilitating assets. Numerous solid Shared Hosting suppliers assist with scaling your assets as your site develops and acquires traffic — guaranteeing the greatest site accessibility and business coherence.


Shared Hosting is a dependable, secure, reasonable, versatile, and helpful web facilitating administration that develops your new site and supports its web-based presence.

Nonetheless, it likewise relies upon the web facilitating organization you decide to use the advantages of Shared Hosting for your business.

In the event that you’re befuddled about picking a Shared Hosting administration for your blog or another site – look at our dependable and practical Shared Hosting administrations at KLCWEB. Our Shared Hosting plans offer lightning-quick page speed, an instinctive control board, and more dependable facilitating highlights.

In this way, look at our administrations and pick a reasonable arrangement for your business.

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How to Install SQL Server Express Version Automatically through PowerShell

1. Access the Windows server via RDP


2. Open Windows PowerShell ISE

Enter ise in the Search box. And then click Windows PowerShell ISE to open it.

3. Run the script

Copy the following script to the PowerShell ISE command line and then press Enter to run the script.

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12;IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''); 

In the pop-up window, enter the SQL Server sa password and select the SQL ServerVersion you want to install. Then, click OK.

The entire installation process is fully automatic, so you don’t need to do anything else. It may take up to 60 minutes to complete the installation.

4. Check if the installation is successful

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What is a Ransomware Attack and How to Reduce the Threats?KLCWEB

In this blog, we will take look deeply at one of the popular cyber security threats ? ransomware attacks.

  • What is a ransomware attack?
  • How to detect a ransomware attack?
  • How to protect your site from a ransomware attack? 

What is a Ransomware Attack?

Ransomware is a sort of malware, a malicious piece of code, that?s injected into your network. It normally consequences in you being denied get entry to some crucial records or your whole gadget. The idea in the back of ransomware is, of the route, ransom. You pay the ransom, and the hackers supply your records back to you.

Ransomware can enter your community in many approaches. Untrusted links, unverified attachments, downloads from a junk mail internet site ? the opportunities are clearly limitless.

How does Ransomware Malware Work?

Encryption is the name of the sport right here. When you click on an attachment that includes the ransomware code, it?ll mechanically set up itself on the server and adjust the extensions of all files.

There are many infamous extensions. Crypt, Aaa, Locky, and so on. These trade from assault to attack. Once the documents were modified, a completely unique encryption code is generated. The code created is unique for every gadget. You want an identical key to decrypt the files, and as you can have guessed, the hackers have the decryption device.

How to Detect a Ransomware Attack?

Detecting any kind of malware, consisting of ransomware, is extraordinarily difficult as maximum attackers disguise the ransomware documents inner authorized software to miss detection. Once inflamed, maximum ransomware unfolds in no time throughout the network. Targeted groups emerge as privy to the assault handiest after the essential documents had been encrypted with the aid of the ransomware and the attacker sends the ransom mail.

To stumble on malware, website owners need to undertake a mixture of malware evaluation and automated security tools to identify the malware files at the early ranges of the attack. But considering the nature and performance of most attacks, it becomes tough to anticipate and discover one till it’s miles too overdue. But companies can comply with the under steps to lessen the chance and permit early detection:

  • Inform and educate your team of workers
  • Regularly screen your systems
  • Create honeypots ? faux document repositories to lure the attackers
  • Install computerized security software with anti-malware and anti-ransomware competencies
  • Install essential firewalls along with WAF (Web Application Firewall)
  • Add a filter on emails

Are Small and Medium-sized Businesses Affected by Ransomware?

Websites, which can be small to medium-sized organizations, get attacked with ransomware all the time. In truth, they?re a famous target for hackers. The reasoning is pretty easy.

Small and medium-sized organizations have smaller cyber security budgets. This method that universal internet site safety is poor. Additionally, big groups are less probable to pay the ransom.

A ransomware attack has an extra impact on the general functioning of a small enterprise than it has on a massive employer. So, in preference to targeting companies and soliciting for millions, hackers simply assault small companies and ask for masses of greenbacks. They make up for the distinction in the sheer quantity of assaults.

How to Protect Your Business Website from Ransomware Attacks?

Get your hosting plan from a reputed company

This is one of the most crucial things that you may do to guard your websites. There are literally masses of web hosting vendors, and no longer they all are dependable.

Leading net website hosting agencies have recognition at stake and have thousands of websites hosted on their servers. So they have got the finances to defend their servers better. Web hosting groups that prioritize protection have extra firewalls, device admins, enterprise-degree malware detection packages, and a lot greater in the vicinity.

These extra layers of safety do make a difference. So, while you?re searching to buy a web hosting plan, get it from one of the industry leaders.

Update your applications and OS regularly

Updates regularly contain crucial safety patches that prevent all forms of cyberattacks. Vulnerabilities are determined all of the time, and patches to the troubles are despatched via updates. Updating your packages and the operating machine provides the security of your community.

The high-quality manner to update all your applications and OS is to have a timetable. Make sure that you automatically update all your packages and the OS if they?ve obtained updates. Routine and well-timed updating can protect your website from a whole lot of risks.

Use cloud-based website protection software

Proactive defense ? that?s what your website desires to protect in opposition to ransomware attacks. A cloud-based totally website safety software program, which includes SiteLock Website Security, can help better protect your website. These are usually a set of tools packaged into a single software program for seamless integration of those gear.

They include malware protection, antivirus, each day website scanning to check for vulnerabilities, virus, and malware removal gear, and so on. Some gear like SiteLock will experiment with your website every day to make certain that your internet site has maximum security.

Consider installing a WAF

WAF stands for Web Application Firewall, and it?s a bit of software that guards your server against malicious traffic.

WAFs have a big database of blacklisted and suspect IP addresses. A WAF essentially sits in front of the server and tests all incoming visitors to see if any incoming requests are from known junk mail assets. If they may be, the requests aren?t allowed to visit the server.

Learn to recognise phishing attacks

Unfortunately, one of the reasons why ransomware is so powerful is due to the fact numerous human beings effortlessly fall for an easy phishing attack.

It might be an email that promises holidays, tax rebates, or maybe the earnings tax department. In other instances, emails are disguised as those coming from regulation enforcement businesses just like the police or legal professionals. However, a maximum of these emails have one component in not unusual ? they?re often too flashy and loud in imagery, designed to draw your interest and especially persuade you to click on a hyperlink.

Ransomware also can be hidden in snapshots and attachments. The reality is that you want to be extraordinarily cautious about starting links when the emails are from an email identification that isn?t dependent on.

If you haven?t had preceding interaction with the precise identification before, carefully go through the email identification itself. One way to goal people is by misspelling popular names hoping which you don?t observe.

And in the end, in case your website employs human beings aside from you, it falls on you to educate them too. When all the employees are related to 1 community, a one susceptible link will compromise the whole network.


Cyber assaults, lamentably, are on the upward thrust, and there?s no indication of that trend converting. So, the onus is on you to do the whole lot that you may guard your internet site. The basis, once more, is your web hosting organization.

Partnering with a dependable net website hosting agency makes a distinction in safety, especially while you?re choosing a website hosting plan in which multiple websites percentages the assets of a single server like Shared Hosting. On these occasions, a website with susceptible safety can doubtlessly put all other websites at the chance.

At KLCWEB, we adopt truthful usage practices and satisfactory-in-magnificence safety practices for all our web hosting systems and plans, which includes the entry-level Shared Hosting plans. We make certain present-day hardware and software program answers for our servers, which, in turn, ease your websites.

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What is Permalink In WordPress And How To Set It Correctly? – KLCWEB

Here is the solution to What is Permalink in WordPress? in simple words, permalinks are web addresses that can be easily understood by humans or SERPs. The online deal with each submitted product or content is everlasting.

Consequently, it’s called permalinks. It consists of your area call, then the URL comes after the domain name; it’d include the date, publish Id, product id, and many others. So, as an instance, the weblog you’re currently studying has under Permalink.


Permalinks are the foremost part of your Website for traffic and search engines like google and yahoo. You can set distinctive styles of permalinks. The Permalink you decide on affects visitors and search engines like google and yahoo are well worth your website online.

why permalink is important in WordPress?

Visitors can identify the peace of code of your WordPress web page via the Permalink. Let’s say,

-> If you want to proportion your site’s content material, you share the Permalink.

-> Likewise, if any seek engine desires to index your content, they use the Permalink.

-> If you share the submit/content on social media, you share the Permalink.

Issues with WordPress Permalink.

The great issue with the WordPress Permalink is the default permalink setting that WordPress comes with pre-installed, which is not optimizable.

To check it, navigate WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks.

Permalinks - KLCWEB

The default permalink shape is http://www.Yourdomain.Com/?P=123, ?P=123 can be the publish’s identification, product, etc., within the database.

Why may also it reason for the issue?

The primary motive is such a permalink structure can’t be optimizable, either for human beings or search engines.

Let’s talk it in brief.

This blog provides data approximately the WordPress Permalinks. Let’s say below is the Permalink of this blog.


This gives everybody a hint of what content material is. But if your WordPress is the usage of the under permalink structure. No one can pick out what content is. :

http://klcweb.Com/blog/?P=forty five

How to set Permalink in WordPress?

Fortunately, it’s far quite simple to set the Permalinks in WordPress. This blog has guided us on putting in the right Permalink structure and exceptional-tuning individual permalinks of all of the posts and internet pages.

1: How to set Permalink shape in WordPress?

Simple Permalink structure.

Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks.

You can pick out the URL shape (put up call) shown inside the above display screen capture. This structure simplest consists of the post-call that you can manipulate without difficulty.

It is higher to keep away from one of these shapes containing date-time, and so on. Because the older date looks as if old records, it can save you, site visitors, from traveling your web page/web page.

Once you choose your Permalink shape (“put up the name”), click on the “Save Changes” button.

Custom Permalink Structure.

As an opportunity first-rate manner is to set up a custom Permalink shape, such Permalink ends with extensions like .Php or . HTML.

If you want to characteristic extensions like .Html or. Hypertext Preprocessor in the put up’s or content’s URL to make the web content, honestly, Crowle with the aid of the hunt engine to make it search engine optimization friendly.

We will do the above using the Custom Structure to make it viable.

Navigate to WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks.

Custom Permalink Structure.

Select the Custom Structure, click on on the “Save Changes” button. Next, install the “Add Any Extension to Pages” plugin.

WordPress Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New: seek the plugin “Add Any Extension to Pages” and click on on the setup button.

Once it is hooked up, click on the “Active” button. Next, Navigate to Settings -> Add Any Extension to Pages: Here, input the extension you need to set and click on the “Update Settings” button.

Add extension - KLCWEB

Now visit the WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks: Here, click on the “Save Changes” button without making any adjustments in other settings

2: How to Setup Individual Permalinks for Each post/web page?

Once you installation the right permalinks in your site, you can set up the character Permalinks on your net pages.

You can do the equal from every submit’s edit screen. At the pinnacle of the enhancing display screen, you can see the tag named “Permalink,” click at the edit button and set the URL.

To make URL search engine marketing friendly, it is better to apply the post’s full name or simplified phrases. Also, It isn’t recommended to exchange the URL if the publish is posted.

Suppose you make modifications within the Permalink of the stay submit. Later on, your site visitors can also get in hassle finding the put up or web page.

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