How to Install Docker On Ubuntu 20.04 & 22.04

To install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04, you can follow these steps. Docker has been a widely used containerization platform. However, it’s important to note that there might be newer alternatives or changes in the installation process beyond my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021. Be sure to check for the latest instructions from the Docker website or the official Ubuntu documentation.

Here’s how to install Docker on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04:

1. Update Your System:
First, ensure that your system is up to date by running the following commands:

   sudo apt update
   sudo apt upgrade

2. Install Required Dependencies:
Docker requires some dependencies to be installed. Install them with the following command:

   sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

3. Add Docker Repository:
Docker provides official packages for Ubuntu. To add the Docker repository, you can use the following commands:

For Ubuntu 20.04:

   curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
   echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] focal stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

For Ubuntu 22.04 (if available):

   curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg
   echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] jammy stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

Please note that the repository URL might change, so check the Docker website for the most up-to-date instructions.

4. Install Docker:
Update the package list again and install Docker:

   sudo apt update
   sudo apt install docker-ce

5. Start and Enable Docker:
Start the Docker service and enable it to start on boot:

   sudo systemctl start docker
   sudo systemctl enable docker

6. Verify Docker Installation:
You can check the Docker version to ensure that it was installed successfully:

   docker --version

7. (Optional) Allowing Docker Without Sudo:
By default, you need to use sudo it to run Docker commands. If you want to use Docker without sudo, you can add your user to the “docker” group:

   sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Then, log out and log back in for the changes to take effect.

That’s it! Docker should now be installed and running on your Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 system. You can start creating and managing containers using Docker.

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Linux VPS Hosting Good for Your Website SEO

Virtual private server hosting has become more prevalent in recent years due to its many advantages over traditional shared hosting. These are perfect for dedicated hosting. Many people know the benefits of web hosting, such as improved security, but fewer are aware of its impact on their websites.

Search engine optimization is a must if you want to maximize your digital marketing efforts. You can get more online visibility and reach different people with your websites. Higher search engine results and more traffic are benefits.

What are the Advantages of VPS Hosting for SEO?

1. Increased Site Speed

Increased site speed is one of the most significant benefits of VPS hosting. search engines take site speed into account when ranking websites. page speed is one of the most important ranking factors. A fast website can improve user experience and search engine rankings. 

You have access to dedicated resources that are not shared with other websites. This means that your website can run faster and more efficiently, resulting in improved site speed and better search engine rankings.

2. Improved Uptime

When it comes to ranking websites, uptime is a critical factor. the amount of time your website is accessible is called uptime. It can affect your search engine rankings if your website is frequently down. You have access to dedicated resources that ensure your website is always up and running. Monitoring and support services are typically offered by hosting providers.

3. Better Security

Search engine rankings can be impacted by website security. They want to provide their users with a safe browsing experience and that’s why they prioritize websites that are secure. You have more control over your website’s security with an SSL certificate for the domain, thanks to KLCWEB VPS hosting. 

It is possible to install security software and set security settings on your website. Advanced security features such as firewalls and malware scanning are offered by many VPS hosting providers.

4. Full Root Access

You have more control over the configuration of your server. This means that you can make changes to your server to meet the needs of your website. You can change the operating system on your server or install software that is required by your website. This level of control allows you to make changes to your website.

5. Improved Scalability

It’s important that the hosting is good because it offers improved scalability. As your website gets more visitors, you may need to increase your server resources. You can easily scale up your server resources with the help of a virtual private server.

6. Dedicated IP Address

You can positively impact your website’s search engine ranking with a dedicated IP address. Improved website load times and better security can be achieved with a dedicated IP address. It is possible for your website to be punished for any activities that may be associated with other websites sharing the same IP address.

7. Customizable DNS Settings

You have more control over the settings of your web service provider. This means that you can change the settings on your website. If you want to improve website load times, you can set up a content delivery network, or if you want to prevent duplicate content on your website, you can change your domain name settings.


If you have questions about the benefits of VPS hosting, it can offer significant benefits for your website. With increased site speed, improved uptime, better security, more control over server configuration, and improved scaling, VPS hosting can help you improve your website’s search engine rankings and attract more visitors to your website. 

If you want to improve your website’s search engine ranking and want to make sure your website is secure, you should consider a virtual private server. It may require more technical expertise and a higher cost than shared hosting, but the benefits are worth it in the long run.

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How to protect a small business website from cyber attacks?

Have you heard about cyber attacks on businesses? It has become quite common. Cyber attacks can lead to substantial financial loss and sometimes even worse. 

A survey by the SBA shows that 86 % of small businesses fear for their security because of cyber attacks. Though there are several solutions to prevent these attacks, not all small businesses can afford them, and they become indecisive in opting for the right option that can safeguard them against the attacks.

What’s the impact of cyber attacks on your business?

Organizational Disturbance:

Cyber attacks can lead to disruptions and a loss of revenue. These attacks can be carried out with a variety of methods, including injecting malicious code into the server, which blocks access to the site.

Loss in Revenue:

Cyber attacks can have a negative effect on the business. Small businesses suffer a lot of damage when a cyber attack hits. Cyber attacks will cause a loss in revenue. 42% of small businesses have been victims of cyber attacks.

Being a small business owner can help you protect your organization from cyber attacks. There are tips to prevent cyber attacks from targeting your business.

Negatively Impacted on Business Reputation:

The brand name is the first impression customers have of a company, and it builds trust, loyalty, and the customer’s willingness to purchase from a company. The brand name and reputation of a business that is a victim of large cyber attacks may be damaged. Business income is directly impacted by customer loss due to reputational damage.

Increased Costs:

Businesses need to be prepared in the event of a cyber attack. Businesses often have to pay a large amount of money to hire security consultants or other measures to prevent cyber attacks as they can cause massive data loss and other damages and need an immediate response.

Tips to protect your small business from cyber attacks

>> Create strong passwords

Unbreachable security depends on strong passwords. 26% of Americans have used weak passwords such as abc123, name123, and godname123. Passwords are easy to guess and can be cracked, so they don’t provide much protection. 

Easy-to-guess and simple passwords can lead to a data breach. Ensure that your employees are proficient in creating secure passwords with upper and lowercase letters, digits, and symbols. Always remind them to use different passwords for different accounts and to change them every 2 or 3 months.

>> Identify Phishing Emails

This is the most common way for hackers to get into a company. A hacker will send an email that looks legit. It’s important to catch the hackers at the first strike.

How to identify if the website is legitimate or not?

While opening a website, you can check whether it has a secure connection (HTTPS) or not. If the website does not provide a secure connection, it cannot be genuine, and you should not trust it. 

However, nowadays hackers are advanced, and they create an exact copy of the website with a secure connection, which makes it even more difficult to differentiate. Then, you can check to whom the SSL Certificate is Issued. You can check that by performing the following steps:

–> Open the website and click on the padlock icon in the search bar

–> Click on the connection is secured

–> you can see the heading “certificate is valid” and you will see “issued to”

You will see the official name if the website is legit. You should not trust that website if you find any other names.

It is recommended that you install the Netcraft app on your phone. We recommend you use the phishing detector for the desktop. Employees should be trained not to trust emails without confirmation.

>> Data Backup

One of the most important things you can do to protect your business from a cyber attack is back up your data. Even if your system is compromised, you will still have access to your critical information because of the regular backup. 

The best approach to back up your data depends on your needs and resources. One way to store your data in the cloud is to use an online backup service. An external hard drive or another storage device can be used to create a local backup that you can keep on-site. 

It is important to regularly test your backups to make sure they are working correctly. Keep multiple copies of your data in different locations to recover it in the worst-case scenario. These precautions can help protect your business from a cyber attack.

>> Malware

There is a code/file that harms your system. If you accidentally download an attachment, hide it on a drive, or email it to someone, the website will become infected. You wont be able to access your data once the malware is injected. 

It is important to keep the software updated to protect the data. If you want to prevent cyber attacks, it is advisable to hire a web host for your website that will protect it from malicious software and inform you when it is injected into your site.

>> Install Firewalls

Ensuring that your website is secure is important for the installation of a firewall. Unauthorized access to the computer network, cyber attacks, and blocking users from visiting harmful websites are some of the things that a firewall tries to prevent. 

In addition, firewalls are helpful in ensuring network privacy because of their ability to send alerts about viruses, continuously monitor website traffic, and keep an eye on network traffic. If you want to keep your website safe, you should choose a secure web hosting that has server firewalls that will keep an eye on your account.

>> Management Access

Management access is important to protect your small business from cyber attacks. The information, devices, or software that is crucial and confidential to the company should be restricted. 

You should also check who has access to your network, including employees and third-party vendors who may have access to your data. Don’t forget to remove access for users who don’t need it. The risk of a cyber attack will be reduced if unauthorized access to your systems is prevented.


Nowadays, cyber attacks are easy to carry out. Ensuring that your business is doing well and is protected against attacks is the primary responsibility of a business owner. The best way to protect your business from cyber attacks is to implement the steps discussed in this post.

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What is the benefit of VPS hosting for your business?

Virtual Private server hosting can be used to get multiple things done cost-effectively and more disciplined. It is more economical to host your business on a virtual server than it is to host it on a dedicated server. It’s an excellent option because it’s more secure than shared server hosting.

Virtual Private server hosting can be used to get multiple things done cost-effectively and more disciplined. It is more economical to host your business on a virtual server than it is to host it on a dedicated server. It’s an excellent option because it’s more secure than shared server hosting.

What Is VPS Hosting?

Upgrading and installing applications, monitoring major security, and maintenance of the server are some of the tasks that are considered with proper VPS hosting. The server is in charge of all major responsibilities connected to the server. If you want a proper grip on your enterprise at a cost-effective rate, VPS hosting is the best option. It allows you to install your own operating systems and applications on the server.

Read more about VPS

Types Of VPS Hosting

There are 3 types of VPS, Windows VPS, Linux VPS, and Forex VPS, let’s discuss these types of VPSs.

1.) Windows VPS:

This is the most used hosting solution to run 24 X 7 custom applications and ERP systems. Various adjustments can be made to the combination of raid 10 SSD/NVme SSD and a flexible strong setup.

2.) Linux VPS:

Linux VPS provided different types of OS like Centos, Ubuntu, Debian, and OpenSUSE leap, and also it provides free control panel(admin panel, ISP config, CWpanel) to manage your Linux server instead of high-cost Cpanel. Linux has more powerful security rather than windows VPS.

3.) Forex VPS:

Forex VPS is specially designed for the trading market to set their locations according to their preferences, which makes it an easier way for forex trading.

Benefits Of Using VPS Hosting

Providing security:

There is no doubt that the most secure web hosting plan is VPS hosting. Sharing directly of resources will not allow you to save your enterprise from hazardous crimes and cyber-attacks. It ensured the security of the server. Some of the most interesting facts can be found below.

-> make sure the hosting provider is PCI-compliant certified.

-> The features which are included with the hosting package.

-> Need to check if the web hosting provider offers any additional security i.e. firewall, DDoS protection.

It is important for browsers to mark it as secure. There are still risks that you should be aware of, even though it provides proper security and control. Let us find out what precautions you can take to protect yourself.

Speed and Performance:

It will be necessary for your business to have a hosting server that can provide the best performance and speed for your website. This is the most significant aspect of your website. The importance of having a reliable and always up host for your enterprise cannot be overstated. In addition to this, you will also need an extremely fast website in order to help your visitors who visit your website keep their patience during their visit.

Entering a VPS Hosting:

The unavailability of the high price tag is the most pulling property. This is one of the factors that attract businesses. And you know what that means? Having full control of your server will allow you to go through the possible methods to improve the performance of your server without having to pay for it.

Dedicated Resources:

You can get multiple dedicated servers for dedicated resources. When a lot of apps are running, this helps in controlling traffic. If a company is looking for dedicated resources, it is best to follow the example of the low cost of VPS hosting. Software is used to divide a physical server into multiple virtual ones. 

Each virtual server has its own operating system and applications. It can be difficult to control memory and time from a single server. This problem is solved by allocating resources to each virtual server. Hundreds of accounts use the same server. 

Even if a single website gets a lot of traffic, the performance of the entire server collapses. This problem is solved efficiently by VPS. They have resources that are dedicated to specific tasks all the time. The service is very reliable because of this. It makes sure that things run fast as well.


Flexibility is one of the most important aspects of hosting. It is a powerful host for managing your business and can increase its scale as your business grows. Regardless of which company you choose, most offer flexibility. Maintaining your budget is aided by this feature. 

In the initial days, you can buy a smaller package. As your business grows, you can upgrade it as you.  You can adjust your hosting according to the needs of the business. This applies when you need more power. 

You can easily upgrade the host without having to shift more server time and time again.  It’s ideal for businesses that are seeing fast growth as it will keep up with them. It is possible for companies to get more out of it than any shared hosting platform can.

Customer Service

In the case of a self-managed server, you need to solve your own problems. The support of the host team in hardware and network problems is the most important thing in small-scale problems. After some time, you should expect them to solve some problems. If you get stuck, you are on your own. 

Full power over the machine is what you get with this system. Whether you need to install applications of your choice or change settings that suit your needs, VPS hosting helps you do that comfortably. If you fail to do it or do it wrong, it’s up to you to solve the problem. 

this is different in the case of VPS. You get the optimal settings according to your performance needs, which is the best part of the service. You wouldn’t have a problem managing the system. If you have a question about the hosting service, you can contact customer service. Any problem you might face will be dealt with by customer service. 

Customer service can point you in the right direction and show you the process. Information on how to navigate through the server management platforms can be provided by it. You should not hesitate to resolve any of your problems if customer service is readily available to answer all of your queries.


A virtual private server is a kind of web hosting where the client books a complete server only for its enterprise and is not shared with anyone. It’s worth it because of the full control the server gives to the enterprise. While running a large online store, a virtual private server can come in handy. 

The host company can make changes to the business according to the ease of the customers. If you determine that you want a secure approach to carrying out your business, as well as flexibility and durability, you should consider investing in a virtual private server.

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What is the Difference Between a server and a network? VSP V/S VPN.

VPS and VPN may seem the same, but they have nothing to do with each other. a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a hosting service, on the other hand, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology that allows you to remain anonymous or private on the internet. Despite the fact that they are separate businesses, they are often mistakenly grouped together because of their almost identical-sounding names. these two terms can be confusing, especially if you’re just starting out on the internet.

What is VPS?

it is important to understand what VPS Hosting is and how it differs from other services before we compare both of these technologies. VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, a web hosting service that web hosting providers provide. provides you with a virtual server to host your website with enhanced performance.

The server is a type of computer with a high-end configuration that can be used to store your website files and data. Similarly, if you search for any domain name in your web browser that communicates with the server and renders the stored information, you will find it.

This web hosting service includes shared hosting, Windows hosting, dedicated server, etc. VPS hosting uses virtualization technology to partition a physical server into multiple virtual servers, resulting in significant server resources and the ability to scale up the virtual server as required.

Consequently, you are not bound by the limitations of a single physical server because it provides private server surroundings not have to share server resources with other users, you’ll only share the physical servers. Despite the virtualization system configuration, there will not be any cross-platform server use.

What is VPN?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network, and you can say it is one of the best ways to protect your internet security because it encrypts and tunnels internet traffic through a public server. A VPN protects your online privacy and safety while still blocking censored or geo-locked content.

Typically, businesses use VPNs to allow remote workers to securely connect to their internal networks. Nevertheless, VPNs are also popular among those who want to protect their online privacy and safety.

Many different types of VPNs are available, such as mobile VPNs, site-to-site VPNs, remote access VPNs, and personal VPN services. Hence, it is important to choose the one that is right for you.

Encryption: all traffic passing through the VPN should be encrypted. Moreover, it ensures that third parties will not intercept your information.

Anonymity: a good VPN disguises your IP address and makes it difficult for websites to track your online activity.

Speed: Depending on the server’s location and load, your VPN connection speed will vary. a VPN with multiple server locations to ensure a fast and reliable connection.

What is the Cost? VPN and VPS

There is no single winner when it comes to the cost of VPN and VPS. instead, both options have their advantages and drawbacks that must be considered before making a decision.

VPSs can be a little more expensive because it is a more advanced service, but not everyone needs them, only those who want to host a website should consider them. many users would be fine with a shared hosting plan, even though it comes with lower prices than a VPS.

Nevertheless, there are free and paid VPNs available. For a growing company, a VPS can be a cost-effective way to gain the flexibility of a dedicated server for less. what you want from your web hosting, as with a VPN, research and plan ahead.

Differences between VPN and VPS

Hosts your sites and applications.Keeps your information private and secure and changes how your web traffic travels.
Widely used in businesses.Individuals and businesses use it.
Hosted sites or applications can be vulnerable. Mainly focused and designed around its security features.
Can’t change the apparent location of the web traffic. It enables you to pass through geo-blocking. 
Requires good knowledge of servers.A very affordable method or service with anonymity for your web journey.

When and why do you need VPS?

You’re not the only one if you’ve ever wondered what the difference between a VPS and a VPN is like. both applications can be used to enhance your online privacy and security, but they must be used in different ways. here’s a quick rundown of the key similarities between VPS and VPN.

A VPS is a hosting service that provides you with your own private server space. Dedicated hosting is usually more expensive than shared hosting. it also provides greater privacy and security because only you can access your server.

A VPS is a much more cost-effective way to host your site than a physical server because you can share the server with different clients while still fully managing your virtual server. it has the advantage of flexibility for increasing online visibility, allowing you to add more memory, RAM, or other equipment as needed. In the case of typical shared hosting, plans can be very sluggish and restricted.

It also provides you with the adaptability of controlling and tweaking your server, adding additional customizations for an additional cost. VPS hosting is ideal, assuming you intend to run complex applications and set up online business stages.

Hence, it requires good computer skills to maximize its use. probably would be fine with a shared hosting plan; however, a VPS is a viable alternative if they have additional technical grip, however, if they have additional specialized technical grip, a VPS is a viable option before considering a much more expensive actual physical server.

Why do I need VPN?

A VPN protects your internet history, so anything you do is protected from hackers and other malicious clients as it scrambles your web traffic. are more secure if you’re affiliated with a public Wi-Fi network because it provides you with enhanced protection.

Moreover, a VPN protects your privacy in your home network because ISPs and digital publishers have the ability to gather data about your online journey on the web. A VPN allows you to hide your location and IP address information by disguised as a completely unknown identity.

Moreover, you can use a VPN to defy geo-restrictions; thus, you can access restricted websites or essentially use streaming services that are not available in your region.

there’s the added benefit of no transfer speed limitations. many ISPs will restrict your browsing speeds after excessive usage, but using a VPN means they will not be able to track your activities. ISPs are able to restrict download speeds when torrenting, which is particularly helpful if you download multiple files at once.


A VPN is a user-friendly developed technology that allows you to surf the internet anonymously and securely. VPS will allow you to have your website hosted on virtual machines. Both serve specific purposes, but you can also use VPS and VPS as users.

Suppose, for example, that you have a large website. first, use a VPS hosting service to have it, you could use a VPN to shield the information you send on the internet if you are using the internet to keep up with your site.

This was all about VPS and VPN, so we hope that now you can make an informed decision on which of these options is compatible with your needs.

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How to prevent website downtime issues? – KLCWB

Website accessibility is essential for businesses, especially because customers demand that their online transactions be smooth and easy in today’s competitive market. When a website fails, it can’t be accessed online, or it doesn’t work well enough for users to finish a task or access information.

If your website isn’t accessible at all, it will significantly limit its reach to your potential customers. On the other hand, the accessibility of your website means everybody can access your site in a way that is comfortable and convenient for them. As a result, you will attract new customers and increase your brand’s visibility.

If the site isn’t accessible, people may not be able to access the information they need. As a result, it can harm a company’s reputation, negatively affect customers’ trust, and lower revenue. It’s important to understand website downtime and how to prevent it.

In this article, we will let you know the most common cause of site downtime with ways to prevent them.

What is the reason behind site downtime?

1.) Most common issue Expiration of the domain name

Once you buy the domain, it is registered for a certain period. You will have to renew the domain as per your renewal date. But suppose you don’t renew the domain during the specified period. In that case, the domain will expire, and the website won’t work.

However, there is a grace period of 30-45 days for your domain to be renewed. After that domain enters the redemption period, which is valid for 30 days. In this phase, you still have time to renew the domain. But you will have to pay some additional fees.

If you haven’t renewed your domain during the redemption period, the domain becomes available for public registration, and the site will be permanently lost.

2.) Incorrect Setting in DNS

Your web hosting account should be linked with your domain via DNS ( Domain name server). This will allow a domain name to access your hosted site on a web server.

Some minor mistakes in your DNS settings can cause a website to be inaccessible. The DNS record must point to the server’s primary IP address. You must WWW A record or Cname that allows your domain to access your site on and

Also, Make sure you add an A/ Cname record separate record for each subdomain.

3.) Coding Error

Coding errors are a matter of concern when the site isn’t open. Even a misplaced dot in coding can cause a big problem, hence, coding mistakes can cause many problems with your website. they can cause the site not to load correctly, CSS and JS files don’t load correctly and your site should display as a plain page it will cause you to lose customers, and even lead to your site being shut down.

It’s essential to use a coding error detection tool to check for any coding mistakes on your website. It will help you fix any problems before they become critical problems.

4.) DDOS Attacks

DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks are a type of cyber-attack that can cause significant damage to a website or system. Hackers often flood the target website/ online service with massive requests from fake users, causing the site to crash or become unavailable.

In addition, the unusual spike in traffic causes overloading of the bandwidth and server resources. Sometimes, your website might not be isn’t the target of the DDoS attack. Still, If your website is hosted on a shared server and a website from the same server is targeted, you may also face downtime because of a server crash. DDoS Attacks can disrupt business operations, stop traffic, or attack data.

However, you can avoid being a victim of a DDoS attack by going for a quality hosting provider that offers DDoS protection with their hosting plans.

5.) Network Issue

Another possibility is that you have problems connecting to the server where you are hosted over the network. This indicates that even though you can access other websites, you can’t access the particular server you’re hosted on, it’s unreachable. This might happen due to a caching problem, browser issues, or other reasons.

When a website is inaccessible, users will be unable to access the site, and it will show blank pages. In that case, contact your hosting provider to troubleshoot the problem.

On the other hand, your visitors may be able to visit your website, but you don’t. There’s a chance that your particular IP is blocked on the server because of multiple false login attempts (because of security measures). You need to contact your hosting provider for guidance in such a case.


Your website is the first impression of your business that can attract potential customers. This is more important than ever in today’s digital age, so you must take steps to protect your website.

We have listed some of the most common reasons a website could be inaccessible. And also shared the solutions to avoid such issues to ensure perfect uptime for your website.

Most of these problems can be avoided by choosing a reliable hosting provider. It will help your business websites create a dynamic online presence to support your business’ growth manifold.

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What is CyberPanel VPS Hosting? Klcweb

Is shared server hosting insufficient to achieve maximum success? we designed a new service targeted at large and complex eCommerce websites. Powered by LiteSpeed, CyberPanel VPS hosting helps users to perform tasks faster, more securely, and efficiently by providing full root access to customize the service.

include PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento, and others. CyberPanel VPS hosting is different from shared hosting in that CyberPanel VPS hosting provides full root access to the server to customize it in any way you like.

Distinguishing CyberPanel

in an age where web hosting has become more available and competitive as a service,  CyberPanel has managed to stand out from the pack in many ways. first and foremost,  there is the features list, which makes the display stand out from its competitors. Moreover,  Hostinger is now an official CyberPanel partner, ensuring that our customers have the most up-to-date and useful features available to them.

OpenLiteSpeed / LiteSpeed

Enjoy optimized website performance with OpenLiteSpeed/LiteSpeed integrated into the core product, and enjoy a faster website and automatic website optimization.  It also functions as bulletproof to common PHP and HTTP attacks, providing more effective security protection.


LiteSpeed Cache has a built-in module with plugins for dynamic content creation and optimizing websites to achieve maximum performance. Speed up your WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, MediaWiki, Magento, and more sites by using the following commands. Speed up your WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Drupal, MediaWiki, Drupal, and More E-commerce sites.

Intuitive Interface

The CyberPanel VPS interface is regarded as one of its most robust features over the competition, from setup to website administration. a single command is all that is necessary, and the panel’s navigation is as straightforward thanks to its minimalist, clean appearance. Hence, it provides a simple and intuitive multisite network.

GIT Deployment

Connect your GitHub and GitLab repos and deploy code in a few clicks with GIT webhooks.

Multi-object Caching Support

Object cache integration made simple. With CyberPanel, you can create programs such as Redis, Memcached, or LiteSpeed Memcached (LSMCD).

Easy Backup and Restore

You can keep your backup and restore it from Google Drive, AWS S3, remote SFTP, or a local machine with one click.

HTTP/3 & QUIC Support

The most recent HTTP protocol provides better performance for fetching multiple objects simultaneously, fast connections, retransmission of lost packets, and the lowest latency.

WordPress Staging

Ensure that your live site is free of unnecessary risks as a result of testing on your own. before deploying it live to test, test, and change things on staging.

Web-Based Terminal & Command Line Interface

CyberPanel gives you the convenience of a command-line interface for those who like to work in a terminal. Using CLI, you can replicate the work you do in the control panel. With Web-Based Terminal, you can connect to your VPS SSH server and quickly perform tasks from your browser.

Docker Manager

Docker manager simplifies Docker Container and image management. Containers from available or pulled images in a few clicks.

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Why you should use VPS for your website SEO?

VPS Server Hosting is one of the most adaptable and solid web hosting administrations that is utilized by medium-sized to reasonably enormous organizations. The VPS design guarantees and ensures solid speed, execution, adaptability, and security, which are all basic to guarantee a quality client experience and a decent SEO execution.

Your site’s SEO execution will decide its web search tool situating, and subsequently guaranteeing a decent SEO score is basic to further developing web search tool perceptible and accomplishing a higher positioning position.

What is VPS Hosting?

VPS is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Server., and VPS Hosting is a facilitating strategy where numerous sites utilize a solitary server. Nonetheless, virtual, confined servers are made for every site through server virtualization and hypervisors. Subsequently, every site gets committed assets alongside complete detachment from different sites on the server.

For instance, on the off chance that you purchase a VPS plan with 6GB RAM, 200GB capacity, and 4 CPU centers, these assets are solely devoted to you and aren’t imparted to some other site on the server.

In this manner, every site acts like a little, free server, and thus the term Virtual Private Server. The upside of this confinement is that you deal with your current circumstance so you can finely tune your site to your accurate taste. Full root access (Linux VPS) or Administrative access (Windows VPS) assist you with modifying the server to suit your extraordinary prerequisites.


Web optimization represents Search Engine Optimization and is a vital variable for any site’s prosperity. Great SEO basically implies that your site shows higher web index results. This is on the grounds that the substance on your site is improved for being shown on web index results.

Great SEO will drive natural traffic to your site. Most promoting strategies are about how you can arrive at your expected clients. In any case, great SEO will drive likely clients to your site, which makes it so essential.

Web optimization is a finished subject, and its significance and impact are past the extent of this article. Nonetheless, VPS offers a couple of explicit advantages that are perfect for SEO. These elements are made sense of beneath.

SEO Advantages of Using VPS

The loading speed of websites

Google, the greatest name in the game, has spread out that its web search tool calculations favor quicker sites to slow ones. This essentially intends that assuming any remaining things continue as before, the quicker site is shown higher up than, the slower one.

VPS offers incredible stacking times for any site. Considering that the assets in a VPS site are totally devoted, the exhibition is totally steady all day, every day. So on the off chance that you want better speed, it’s simply an issue of adding more assets to your current arrangement which shouldn’t require in excess of a couple of moments.

When you understand what assets you really want for your site, you don’t need to stress over execution till you see a critical leap in your site traffic. From that point forward, your site will be quick generally.


The unwavering quality of a site means quite a bit to web crawlers. Individuals don’t see the value in it when web crawlers lead them to a site that is not working, anything that might be the explanation. Hence, the dependability of a site is likewise a significant variable for web crawler calculations.

Unwavering quality is estimated with a unit called uptime which is communicated in rates. For instance, on the off chance that you get your facilitating plan from a decent organization, you can expect uptimes of more prominent than close to 100% with a VPS plan.

VPS is innately very dependable given that sites are segregated inside a server. Where disengagement doesn’t exist, the activities of one site can unfavorably affect different sites on the server. Disengagement of sites guarantees that different sites won’t adversely influence your site on the server.


Digital assaults are on the ascent, and there are countless indications of them going down, tragically. Furthermore, individuals are more mindful than at any other time in recent memory about issues like information security and information protection, implying that web crawlers view the security of a site extremely seriously way nowadays.

One of the issues with a facilitating technique with no detachment is that every one of the sites needs to share a solitary IP address on the grounds that the IP address is doled out to a server and not to a site.

In this way, suppose some site on your server is spamming individuals or sending phishing assaults connects to individuals. Web search tools perceive this, and the most well-known activity taken is to hinder the IP address. This, in the event that you haven’t previously speculated, hinders every one of the sites in a server, in addition to the guilty party.

As referenced before, every site is accessible in a VPS climate and fills in as an autonomous server. This reaches out to IP addresses as well. Each VPS site is doled out a one-of-a-kind IP address, consequently totally disposing of the issue of web search tool boycotting.

Moreover, there’s just a solitary catalog in shared facilitating conditions, really intending that assuming a programmer were to get to one side, the security of the relative multitude of different sites on that server would be in danger.

In VPS Hosting, the essential framework of the climate guarantees that this won’t ever occur. There are individual indexes for every site and no understanding of an expert registry. This implies that the danger to a specific site is totally confined and does not affect some other sites on the server.

Root access

Root access just alludes to a username in a Linux server (or any PC). The root client is thought to be the framework administrator and is given the most significant level of control and admittance to the framework.

In facilitating strategies where various sites utilize a similar server, web hosting organizations frequently can’t offer root access since there’s only one battleground. The progressions made with root access can unfavorably affect different sites.

With VPS, notwithstanding, you get total root access since you basically have your very own little server. With root access, you can deal with the ports on the server, introduce all-inclusive applications, and outsider security programs, upgrade your JavaScript conveyance, and accomplish a great deal more to work on the security and execution of your site. This, thusly, will further develop your SEO as well.

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7 Reasons That’s Time to Switch to VPS Hosting – KLCWEB

How’s your web facilitating plan treating you these days? Ideally, it doing it should do. However, consider the possibility that one fine day you track down your site for certain complexities.

No problem!

On the off chance that you see any of the accompanying signs concerning your site, it very well may be an ideal opportunity to overhaul your facilitating plan to VPS.

Your Website Needs Enhanced-security Features

Regularly, there is a gamble of safety breaks in a common facilitating climate because various destinations are on a similar server; more sites mean more open doors for aggressors. Also, shared facilitating clients will more often than not be the most un-acquainted with web facilitating safeguards, which can prompt security issues; your facilitating neighbors could cause server weaknesses.

Shared facilitating accounts have security, yet they may not be at the level you want for your developing business; shared facilitating falls flat with regards to better and upgraded security. Assuming that you are dealing with your clients’ delicate information, you ought to move to VPS Hosting for better and positive security to get your developing business.

The VPS Hosting won’t just protect you from security weaknesses, a solid VPS Hosting supplier will offer first-rate customized security, which will be under your immediate control. Shared facilitating leaves you defenseless if somebody on your server gets tainted by malware or designated by programmers. While on VPS facilitating, you are the main place of access, this ‘VPS confinement’ framework provides you with an additional layer of assurance.

Increasing Popularity of your Website

At the point when your website acquires prevalence, drawing in more web traffic, it is an ideal opportunity to raise from shared facilitating since it will as of now not be fit for taking care of such a lot of traffic. A VPS Hosting arrangement will be more reasonable for high server assets and better page speed.

Internal Server Error or ’50x’ Occurring too Frequently

Does your website ever display a 50x error i.e (500, 503, 504, 507)?

It implies that your site has arrived at its allotted assets quantity accessible on your common server. This is a noticeable sign that you should redesign your common intention to get to your site, or you can change to VPS Hosting to get to additional assets. In the event that you put off getting the VPS Hosting administration, such difficulties and limitations will frequently influence your site.

Your Website Experiences Frequent Downtime

On the off chance that you are dealing with an enormous eCommerce store and create great income on the web, personal time of even one moment isn’t satisfactory or really great for your business. In the event that you have been confronting broad free time, now is the right time to increase from a common facilitating plan to a dependable VPS Hosting. VPS waiters have less personal time and are more steady. What’s more, the VPS servers are exceptionally equipped for dealing with the site’s heap and perform all around very much contrasted with shared servers.

You are Running an E-commerce Store

Shared facilitating doesn’t permit you to introduce your custom/own product. Additionally, most eCommerce or online destinations that store Mastercard data and cycle it are PCI guaranteed. However, sadly, the common facilitating arrangement for the most part neglects to finish a PCI consistence assessment. Notwithstanding, the VPS facilitating arrangement or VPS servers are bound to pass PCI consistence principles.

Your Site Requires Direct Access to the Server

Direct command over a server or full admittance to the server permits you to play out the modified server setups. Moreover, a VPS or committed web facilitating plan has the choice and degree for altering documents and putting in new programming projects. Putting in new programming is very fundamental in light of the fact that new programming programs for organizations appear to enter the market consistently. In this manner, you ought to select VPS Hosting assuming your business requires full admittance to the server.

Your Website is Running Slow

A site’s speed is impacted by a few variables, including plan and facilitating type. Consequently, if you find your webpage dialing back, you ought to promptly move up to another VPS server for your business to develop, support the expanded site traffic, and lift your deals with next to no issues. Moreover, a VPS server has many better customization choices; in this way, picking a VPS Hosting at last advantages your business.


So the 7 signs that we talked about can be the pointers that it is an ideal opportunity to move up to VPS facilitating. You should have most likely experienced a portion of the issues referenced above on the off chance that your site has been going for a seriously prolonged stretch of time and is effective. On the off chance that you believe your site’s exhibition should keep energy with its development, you ought to consider moving up to a VPS Hosting.

Since the choice to change to a new facilitating administration ought to be thoroughly examined and arranged, you should initially guarantee that you’re picking the right facilitating for your site.

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How to Fix the “Too Many Redirects” Error in WordPress?

WordPress is a solid and strong framework that you can utilize. Be that as it may, there are issues because of insufficient design or outer sources. WordPress’ modifying language is strong. WordPress is made more troublesome by outer sources like topics and modules. Now and again, these are incongruent. Your site will go down, and your program will give you a mistake message.

The page won’t divert accurately. Your program will recognize that the server diverts the solicitation to this location in a way that won’t ever be finished.

This actually intends that there are excesses of sidetracks on your site or that you are in a circle.

What is the reason for “Too Many Redirects Error in WordPress?”

Numerous WordPress divert blunders are brought about by programming bugs, clashes, and different issues. There are numerous ways of fixing divert alerts and making your site easier to use.

A ton of WordPress diverts mistakes happen when the program goes through various URLs and web servers trying to track down your site or blog. This makes the program not have the option to associate with the server, and the guest is caught in an unending sidetrack circle.

Different internet browsers will show admonitions about this issue. Most programs will show an admonition that the site is “diverting time after time” or “not diverting accurately”. Assuming you see any of these admonitions while attempting to get to your site through WordPress, almost certainly, your site’s sidetracks are not working as expected.

Here are typical explanations behind WordPress blunders because of too many sidetracks:

  1. A plugin conflict
  2. Antiquated Cache
  3. Mismatched URL and Domain Name Settings
  4. Site Address Mismatches or Misconfigured
  5. Another Reason

How to fix “Multiple redirects error” in WordPress?

This is generally the issue of clashing or contending diverts. It can likewise happen when one sidetracks to HTTPS (SSL) while the other sidetracks back to HTTP (non SSL). Or then again between non-www kinds of URLs. WordPress’ Too Many Redirects mistake is brought about by numerous product bugs, programming errors, and different blunders.

There are numerous ways of fixing Too Many Redirects mistakes in WordPress.Also, there can be a case that you face the WordPress divert the issue from your site have as it were.

Each host isn’t simply steady. Web facilitating is an extremely delicate element that assumes a part in nearly everything connected with your site.

You ought to go with an exceptionally dependable host like KLCWEB.

These are the most ideal choices assuming you face the WordPress numerous divert issue:

Verify Domain Settings

You have the choice to indicate a URL for your site utilizing the “www prefix” or without it. While setting up the site, you have the choice to design your site as “” or just as “”.

WordPress permits the two setups to work in a similar space. This guarantees that your site is open to all clients, paying little heed to how they search or type “www” into their program’s location.

These URLs are generally made naturally when we make a site or introduce WordPress. This happens utilizing default space settings from our web have. These settings can be changed and altered after the underlying arrangement. On the off chance that there is a contention between the URL setup and the area settings in WordPress, this can cause a divert blunder.

Check to ensure your area utilizes “www”. Then, really look at the arrangement. To confirm this, explore Settings > General.

In the event that there is confusion in your space settings, you can refresh the WordPress URL settings and save the changes. This will determine the issue and fix any sidetracks to WordPress blunders.

Verify URL Settings (Check Configured URLs)

A crisscross in WordPress URL settings can here and there set off divert mistakes. Really look at your site’s arrangement and explore Settings > General inside the WordPress dashboard.

The webpage address and WordPress address are no different for most WordPress sites. Alter or refresh the data on the off chance that it isn’t. It can determine your diverting issues.

Additionally, guarantee that your URL convention settings are right. To guarantee that the SSL testament is initiated utilizing HTTPS, you ought to ensure that your URLs use HTTPS.

Clear your cache plugin

You can observe many reserving modules that will assist you with working on your site’s presentation. This can influence the manner in which your site handles diverts. This can prompt such a large number of WordPress to divert mistakes.

Clearing the reserve is an unquestionable necessity on the off chance that you utilize any storing module. The cycle can differ contingent upon the arrangement you pick. To figure out unambiguous guidelines, try to peruse your module’s documentation.

Clear Browser Cookies and Cache

A divert blunder can be set off assuming there is a confound between the URL information in your program. In the event that your program stores the page you’re attempting to visit, this blunder can happen.

To decide whether your WordPress’ an excess of sidetracks blunder is brought about by your internet browser, you can have a go at getting to the site with any unique program or in secret mode. Assuming the issue continues to happen, you ought to clear your program’s treats and stores.

This strategy might differ relying upon which program you use. In Google Chrome, for instance, you can clear your store and treats by tapping on the three-dab symbol that you find at the upper right corner of the window. Then, click the More Tools button.

Then, pick the Clear perusing information choice. Select a time frame in the popup window. Select All Time to erase all. Then, select your time cutoff and afterward pick the checkboxes, Cookies and other site information, and Cached pictures or records. Then, click Clear information.

The Google Chrome program will then, at that point, clear or erase all treats and reserves. You ought to now be advantageously ready to track down your site without experiencing divert mistakes.

We prescribe that you allude to the discussion or official aide assuming you are uncertain how to do this activity in your program.

Professional Tip: To clear or erase treats, you should log once more into your WordPress dashboard as well as different locales.

Disable and then re-enable all your plugins

WordPress CMS modules are its fundamental fascination. Here and there, notwithstanding, it can influence the manner in which WordPress executes diverts. They can likewise contain loads of outsider codes on your site, which could cause a divert mistake.

It very well may be overwhelming to observe the offender when there are numerous WordPress modules introduced on your site. You should deactivate all modules to track down the offender. Almost certainly, the module is liable for the divert blunder on the off chance that it is fixed rapidly.

To start with, deactivate, then reactivate every individual module to pinpoint the issue module. You might have found a clashing module in the event that your program is making mistakes about diverts. You can then deactivate, uninstall or erase the module from your site or contact its engineer.

Reset the .htaccess file

WordPress CMS handles diverts on most web facilitating servers by means of its .htaccess setup record. Some modules can adjust this significant record-setting, which could influence how WordPress handles diverts.

Regardless of whether the module is taken out in the struggle, it might stay in the .htaccess. On the off chance that you haven’t had the option to determine the divert issues with the fixes as a whole, you could have to reset the document physically.

This interaction can be begun by associating with your site by means of an FTP client. Then, explore the root envelope.

This record is incredibly imperative and ought to be saved to your PC. It goes about as a reinforcement and protects you if there should be an occurrence of any issues. You can now erase the .htaccess documents from your site.

Then, you should return to your site to check that the issue has been settled. Assuming your site is working ordinarily, almost certainly, the WordPress .htaccss document is corrupted.WordPress will ultimately recover or make the record. Nonetheless, next time guarantee it doesn’t get debated. Explore Settings > Permalinks from your WordPress dashboard. You can save your changes (you don’t have to make any alterations), and WordPress will make a new, new, and blunder-free .htaccess record.

Significant Note: Do not erase the .htaccess record. It is vital.

Verify Your HTTPS Settings

Your site’s HTTPS settings are one more significant thing to assess. Ordinarily, we have seen that ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS happens when somebody has newly relocated their WordPress site to HTTPS and something is either not finished or is set erroneously.

You may check redirects on your server

It could be important to check that there could be no other sidetracks to HTTP from HTTPS on your server.

A defective 301 diverting back can prompt a mistake that could keep your site from opening. These documents are generally situated on your web and have server config records.

Developer Tools to Redirect Loops

This is one more method for investigating and making a divert circle with the designer devices in Chrome or Firefox. You can typically open these instruments by squeezing the F12 button.

Then, guarantee to tap the Network tab and afterward reload your page.


Along these lines, there can be plentiful purposes for different Redirects WordPress Error. There are a couple of simple arrangements, however on the off chance that the reasons are fairly convoluted, addressing this issue can be confusing, particularly on the off chance that you’re not in fact sound. You can go for manage hosting, where tech specialists deal with such issues.

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