What is MVC?

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern that separates an application into three main logical components. The model, the view, and the controller. Each of these components is built to handle specific development aspects of an application. MVC can be used across many frameworks, like PHP, Ruby on rails….etc.


  • Model
  • View
  • Controller
Introduction to MVC
  • Model: In simple words, the Model contains data about the application. All the information that is essential to be shown or displayed, its requirements with respect to access and other validations are all specified here.
  • View: View displays the data in the Model component. Any response from the user is also recognized and sent to the Controller component.
  • Controller: The Controller is responsible for providing the data present in the Model to the View component and interpreting the user responses that the View component recognises.

How does MVC make working so easy?

  • It helps in a simplified and faster development process.
  • Since it has a definite structure, this architecture can be used for a well-rounded plan to finish the development process with each member in a team handling one of the components of the architecture, thereby making the process less complicated.
  • Once a very complicated process, now MVC makes life easier for programmers to provide multiple views for the same data (Model).
  • Unlike other architectures, Modifications can be done with greater ease.
  • Assume if there is any change in Business logic, then only the Model component can be altered, and the components can be left untouched.
  • If there is any change in the user interface, we could just change the code in the View component, thereby making it clear that the business logic is unaffected.
  • there was no change made in the Model component in regards to this scenario.

What we can do with MVC?

we can actually make the Web development process interesting with an uncomplicated setup. Each and every step of the Software development life cycle is made easier and less tedious. During Development, this architecture helps in a way that each component can be taken care of by a person and time consumption will get reduced as a result.


  1. It has the architecture to provide multiple Views.
  2. It helps in developing an application that loads at an extremely faster rate.
  3. Modification of the user interface does not affect the Business Logic.
  4. It helps in developing larger applications with a definite structure.

Skills requirements

  1. Complete understanding of the architectural pattern
  2. Understanding how to use the framework
  3. Basic knowledge of an object-oriented programming language
  4. Ability to separate logic and display contents, ensuring that the Model and View are independent of each other.

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