What is CDN?

Content delivery network(CDN) delivering content to a customer from proxy servers around the world. CDN cached static contents of websites.

How CDN works?

it holds a cached copy of the website. Second, based on the geographical source of the request, it communicates with the browsers. A caching server of the website in say, Arizona gets that request and dispatches relevant content to the browser directly, given that it’s closer to the viewer. This way, the content reaches faster. 

Benefits of a CDN

User experience:

We live in times where people will not wait forever to see a page load. A load time of 2 seconds is average, and 1.5 seconds is above average. The new visitors didn’t spend lots of amount of time. They will close the website after few moments and finding an alternative.


Faster response time is the first need of SEO. Google never rank up slow response sites on their platform. Slow performance of the site may affect SEO algorithms.


If you have one server only, and it fails, your website is down too. There’s no other way around it. However, CDN has lots collation of the servers and all have site copies if, one fails the rest of the server pick up the staff, hence CDN improves uptime.

Difference between metered and unmetered Bandwidth…

Metered BandwidthUnmetered bandwidth
– Limited amount of uploading and downloading– No limits for uploading and downloading
– Pay additionally for extra bandwidth– No extra cost
– No speed cap for uploading downloading– Limited speed for uploading and downloading
– No server monitoring on bandwidth– Server keeps eye on Bandwidth usage
– Suitable for small website– Suitable for heavy site traffic.
– Face issue after reached bandwidth usage– No such issues appear

How to start an online shopping site?

These days the online store is a must important to grow up business, KLCWEB helps you to step online shopping site. Let’s discuss a few things to set up an online shopping site.

1.) Choose site platform.

To start an online shopping site, you need to select the right platform as per your needs. Few platforms are very famous and KLCWEB recommended these tools. WordPress, Nopcommerce, Joomla, Woocommerce. Once you have done this, set up it before it chooses a good hosting provider for an online shopping site like KLCWEB.

2.) Why good hosting?

Online shopping sites have lots of visitors request receive so performance is mandatory for this. An only a good hosting provider can provide a fast and secure hosting service. Make sure the hosting provider offers free SSL for your online shopping site. Viewers can not be passed a higher amount of time on unsecured site.

3.) Domain

Before buying a hosting service, you need to consider buying a domain name. Ensure that the domain name must match with the products. For example, food store, pizza.com, heathpoint.com…etc. Also, you need to care about DOMAIN extension for a force shopping site to a specific country if you want. either you can go with gTLDs for global.

4.) Set up a shopping site.

After all these , you are eligible to set up an online hosting site. You just need to request your hosting provide to install platform which you want. Generally, hosting providers have one click application installer to install platform.

5.) Configure payment gateways.

After set up and design an online shopping site, time to configure payment gateways to accept payments via credit card, debit cards, PayPal. KLCWEB suggests these payment gateways.

6.) SSL

Before highlighting an online shopping site install an SSL on it and set redirection from HTTP to HTTPS to make your site secure and make sure that none of the links from the page contain HTML, CSS, JS, images must use HTTPS instead of HTTP.