Web site migration is process of transferring a site one server to another server including website content, database, SSL, Domain…Etc.
First, you need to test to host plan capacity or carrier you have the interest to buy, If your site evolved in ASP.NET and MSSQL, you should test the ASP.NET framework and MSSQL database server version, if it fits with your site requirement it means you are on the suitable track to select a new hosting plan for a migration.
Why you need to move/migrate your site?

-> if your current hosting provider has poor support
-> Current hosting provider increase a price but did not increase server component to latest one
-> Your site content or your business-related information hack continuously( Ramsomewhere attack on your hosting provider)
-> You are not getting a good latency
How to migrate/Move a website?

You need to take your content backup from your current hosting provider. you can simply ask them to take a backup on behalf of you or you can do it yourself by following the below steps.
How to take a site back up?
1.) site backup:
You need to connect FTP via FileZilla to download your site at your local machine before it, Make a ZIP file of your project and download it.
2.) database backup:
You can take your database backup via SMSS as .BAK file or .MDF (if your new hosting provider allows to restore .MDF) and save it to your local machine with site backup folder.
3.) SSL
If you are using paid SSL you can use it with any hosting provider, you need to just request your current hosting provider for SSL to get .PFX file. KLCWEB always recommended that to get your SSL file in PFX format, which is easy to reinstall on a new server.
Now, we have all stuff to migrate a site without downtime. You just need to upload all this content to your new hosting provider.
-> once you upload all stuff to a new hosting server and configure database connection string then monitor your site, If you site is running perfectly, you can able to move your domain name by setting up DNS nameserver of a new hosting provider.