Shared hosting V/S VPS

The major advantage of traveling by car compared to traveling by bus like setting up AC temperature, stop where ever we want, comfortable sitting, selected songs play, etc where disadvantages like high maintenance, driving skills required, regularly check all components like tire/oil/breaks, etc. So both have pros and cons. We can directly compare VPS v/s Shared with the bus v/s car. Below are the key differences between Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting.
– Shared Hardware resources with all hosted clients.– Server only for your single usage.
– Managed by hosting provider– Provides Root access on the server
– Good security control by hosting provider– Security control on hand.
– Customization not allowed.– Customization is the motive.
– Cost effective– more expensive compared to shared
– Technical Server Knowledge not required– Requires server management skills
– 24×7 Monitoring by Hosting Provider– Manual monitoring
– Server Patches update done by Provider– Patches/updates taken care of by VPS Admin
– Installation of customized software/DLL not allowed– Allowed all
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