Brute Force Attacks:- How to Prevent?

A brute force attacks is a hacking technique that involves trying many different passwords with the hope of eventually guessing the right one. The first step in any brute force attack is choosing a target therefore, the hackers start by scanning networks looking for open ports, then try to guess passwords. A hacker will try to log in if they think the correct password. They will have complete control over the network once they log in.

Sending requests or a lot of useless information to a targeted server or service is how brute force attacks target systems. These attacks are used to overload devices.

A brute force attack uses a lot of computing power to break the system. The brute force attack is a method of guessing passwords or trying combinations of characters until they find one that works. The attacks are often automated, which means they are done without human input; these types of attacks are often referred to as hacking.

How to Indicate Brute Force Attacks?

–> A large number of failed login attempts is a sign of a brute-force attack. 

–> A large number of login attempts can cause a server to use a lot of resources. 

–> A large amount of incoming traffic can be detected by monitoring network traffic patterns. 

–> It is possible to check the logs for suspicious addresses that are trying to connect to the server.

How to identify brute force attacks on Linux servers?

The journalctl command can be used to detect brute force attempts using SSH on a Linux server. ( CentOS 7, Fedora 21, and RHEL)

# journalctl -u sshd | grep “Failed password”

The command will look for entries in the system logs that include the string Failed password, which indicates a failed login attempt.

You can find intrusion attempts in the /var/log/secure file by using the following command.

#cat /var/log/secure | grep “Failed password”

The /var/log/secure file will be found by this command.

How to find out brute force attacks on the windows server?

You can view system and application logs with the Event Viewer. To access the event viewer, you have to go to the start menu and type event viewer Logs related to security, system, and application can be found in the event viewer.

Records of security-related events, such as login attempts, are contained in the Security Log. The Security Log can be found by expanding the Windows Logs folder in the event viewer.

Logs with event IDs 4625 and 4624 show failed and successful login attempts.

It is important to regularly check the logs and monitor the network traffic to identify any suspicious activity that may indicate a brute force attack.

The Best Tools that will help you to prevent brute force attacks

1. IPBan

It is possible to prevent brute force attacks by blocking login attempts from a specific address. A brute force attack attempts to guess a user’s login credentials by trying different combinations of usernames and passwords. When a large number of failed login attempts are coming from a single address, IPBan works. In this case, it is possible to block that person from making further attempts.

The security app is available for both Windows and Linux. The main goal of a server administrator is security and hacker in the firewall can improve performance. Each failed login attempt consumes a large number of system resources.

From failed login attempts, IPBan protects remote desktops, SSH, SMTP, and databases. You can add other protocols to the server by editing the IPBan configuration file.

Several benefits can be provided by installing IPBan on a server.

-> If a large number of failed login attempts are coming from the same address, it’s time to check. 

-> It stops the attack in its tracks and helps to protect the server if it is detected. 

-> It is possible to increase the security of a server by preventing unauthorized access and protecting sensitive information. 

-> The number of requests the server has to handle can be reduced by blocking unauthorized access before they reach the web application. 

The performance of the server can be improved by installing IPBan. IPBan is an effective tool for preventing brute force attacks. it is easy to set up and use. It is a great option for websites that need to be protected from these types of attacks.

2. CSF

WAF is a web application firewall that protects websites from brute force attacks. The CSF can be used to monitor user activity, track visitors, and make sure the website and server remain secure. Changes in the network traffic flow can be monitored and you can detect security breaches.

Benefits of Installing a Firewall –

Unauthorized access to private networks via software or hardware is prevented by firewalls.

The flow of data between internal systems and external devices is monitored and controlled by a firewall.

A computer is usually monitored for incoming and outgoing traffic on a computer.

Unless the user specifically authorizes it to do so, it prevents programs from sending information outside of the internal network. The goal is to stop hackers from accessing sensitive data.

You can block the failed login attempts system by setting up rules in the firewall.

cPHulk Brute Force Protection can be enabled if you have a WHM on the server. The server is protected against brute force attacks.

It will keep viruses out of a company’s network.

You can follow this link to install CSF on your servers.

3. EvlWatcher

The Fail2ban application works on a Windows server. The server log files of failed login attempts are checked by the EvlWatcher application. If the number of failed login attempts is more than a preset number, it blocks the addresses. You can prevent unauthorized access to your server with the help of EvlWatcher.

It is an excellent application. It will protect your server with its default rules once you install it. There is a permanent list of people who are banned from the server after three strikes. You can change the block time in the application.

You can download EvlWatcher from GitHub.

4. Malwarebytes

A brute force attack involves guessing passwords until the right one is found. If the attack is successful, it can spread across the network. Malwarebytes Premium protects the server against brute force attacks.

By exploiting RDP password vulnerabilities, criminals can carry out brute force attacks on the server. The Brute Force Protection feature of Malwarebytes stops attacks that are in progress.

Malwarebytes Premium is a good option if you are looking for real-time anti-malicious software. You don’t need additional software to get optimum protection from Malwarebytes Premium. If you are concerned that you have recently been bitten by a virus or attacked with a brute force attack, you can manually scan your server on demand.

After installing it on your device, Malwarebytes is free for 14 days. The program will only run the most basic functions at the end of the free trial. You will need to purchase a premium license for one or two years to get proactive real-time protection.

Tips and tricks to prevent brute force attacks

1. Don’t reuse passwords.

The risk of an attacker gaining access to multiple accounts with a single set of login credentials is increased if you reuse the same password on multiple accounts. This can result in financial loss or the theft of personal information.

It is important to not reuse passwords as it increases the risk of a brute-force attack. Someone who gets access to your email account can also get access to multiple websites if you have the same password.

If you change your password on one site, make sure you change it on other sites as well.
Password managers can help to prevent brute force attacks by using unique passwords for each account.

2. Change your password frequently.

Changing your password is important to prevent brute force attacks, which involve guessing login credentials repeatedly to gain access. It is more difficult for an attacker to guess the correct login credentials if you change your password regularly.

If you suspect that your account may have been compromised, you should change your password at least every three months. It is important to use a strong, unique password that contains a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using information that is easy to guess such as your name, birth date, or common words.

3. Keep your software updated.

Maintaining unbreachable security is important to keep your computer up to date. Important security fixes can help your computer stay protected from online threats. By regularly checking for and installing updates, you can help keep your computer safe. It is a good idea to check the websites of the software you use to see if any important updates are available.

4. Use two-factor authentication (2FA)

You can make your login information more secure by adding two-factor authentication. You will need to send a text message to your phone or email address to log in. Even if someone stole your password, this helps protect your data.

Do not want to manage too many things to secure your server, do not worry KLCWEB is here and provides fully secured shared hosting.


Multiple tools and techniques can be used to prevent brute force attacks. If you want to stay safe from brute force attacks, you need to restrict access to the services for specific addresses. It is important to monitor your server logs and network traffic to identify any suspicious activity that may indicate a brute-force attack. Several online tools can help to prevent brute force attacks by blocking multiple login attempts from a single address.

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