How you can choose the best Domain registrar 2022?

Are you looking for the best domain registrars of 2022? Domain registrars are the companies responsible for registering and managing domain names for all websites worldwide. Choosing the right domain name registrar is very important because there are many ways to get tricked. This article will show you how to choose the best domain registrar by comparing their pros and cons.

What is a Domain Name Registrar?

A domain name registrar is a company that allows you to buy and register domain names. All domain name registrars are accredited by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), a non-profit organization responsible for managing domain names. Domain names make the internet easy to use for everyone.

Without domain names, you will have to enter long strings of numbers called IP addresses to visit websites. Domain names solve this problem by allowing websites to choose addresses using easy to remember words, like,

How domain name works worldwide

ICANN allows companies to apply for accreditation and become domain registrars to make domain names widely available. These companies then compete with each other to sell domain name licenses, allowing you to get better service and tools when you purchase your domain name.

What Domain Registrars Do?

All domain names are stored in a centralized database called the registry. For a domain name to be recognized, it must be added to the database with all related information about it. A domain name registrar is allowed to change your domain name’s information in the database on your behalf.

A domain name registrar also provides easy-to-use tools to make those changes using your web browser. Let’s take a look at how to easily choose the best domain registrar for your website address.

How to Choose The Right Domain Registrar?

All domain names are stored in a centralized database called the registry. For a domain name to be recognized, it must be added to the database with all related information about it.

A domain name registrar is allowed to change your domain name’s information in the database on your behalf. A domain name registrar also provides easy-to-use tools to make those changes using your web browser. Let’s take a look at how to easily choose the best domain registrar for your website address.

1. Pricing and Registration Period

The first thing you want to check is the price of domain names. For example, some domain registrars offer low prices upfront for the first year of registration, but their renewal prices can be different and significantly higher. You can register a domain name for a minimum period of one year.

However, some companies may require a longer registration period than two years minimum. You can register a domain name for up to 10 years at a time. If you are buying a new web address, we recommend registering your domain name for one year.

You can turn on automatic renewal, so your domain doesn’t expire. You should also check for any additional fees for domain transfers, renewal, and other charges.

2. Domain Transfers

Domain names can be moved from one domain registrar to another. If you aren’t happy with your domain registrar, this option should be easily available. The first thing you need to keep in mind is that you can’t transfer a domain name during the first 60 days of registration. This initial period is decided by ICANN.

After that, you can move it to any other registrar that you want. Most domain registrars make it easy to transfer domain names without any extra fee. Some may try to make it complicated or charge an extra fee to remove the domain lock.

Make sure you check the domain transfer policy before you buy a domain name from a registrar.

3. Domain Expiration Policies

For businesses, this means someone can take over their domain name. To make sure that this doesn’t happen, you can set up auto-renewals for your domain name. Even if you use the automatic renewal feature, check your domain registrar’s expiration policy.

Some domain registrars offer a grace period even after the expiration. This grace period allows you to renew your expired domain name. Where bad domain registration services will auction your expired domain immediately to the highest bidder.

We have heard dozens of horror stories of business owners losing their domain name because their credit card expired, and their registrar didn’t have a grace period. This is one of the many reasons why it’s very important to choose the right domain name registrar.

4. Add-on Services

You may also want to check what other services are offered by your domain registrar. If you don’t need these services right now, it’s good to know that they have them.

These add-on services may include domain privacy, domain parking, extended expiration protection, and more. Some domain registrars may even sell WordPress hosting services, email hosting services, and more.


There are literally hundreds of other domain registrars and resellers in the market that we haven’t included in the list, including Hover, Google Domains, Tucows, Shopify, eNom, Namesilo, etc. The reason is that they all offer the same services.

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