What is an SSL? how does SSL help SEO?

Transport Layer Security (TLS), and its currently deplored archetype, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are cryptographic conventions intended to give correspondences security over a PC organization. … TLS, previously known as SSL, keeps the association between a web worker and a program encoded and private.

SEO is a must for E-commerce websites in these days, Search engines strongly recommended secure website(HTTPS) convention on their destinations. This may gives you better SEO results.

1.) SSL raises your website visitor.

Web browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft edge have visual warning, when visitor visit unsecure site(HTTP), it will be noticed by search engines’ artificial intelligence that a user spends less measure of time. It will decrease your site indexing on search engines. Google has a very strong AI for monitoring SEO.

2.) Do you want to avoid security issues and grow your SEO indexing?

It is highly recommended that the site has an SSL, you can install SSL on your site and set redirection HTTP to HTTPS( KLCWEB has an article to set HTTP to HTTPS redirection) https://klcweb.com/index.php/knowledgebase/17/Redirect-HTTP-to-HTTPS.html. It is not mandatory which SSL you are using. Either you can use free SSL such as CDN, Let’s Encrypt SSL as well these days many hosting providers give free SSL like – KLCWEB, or you can use paid SSL. This thing can avoid inconvenience and boost your SEO ranking on different kinds of search engines.